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Posted: Tue, Jan 4, 1994 3:59 PM EST Msg: EGJE-6037-5927 Subj: NTIM I sent today WSHPNSNMC NOUS41 KWBC 042039 NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE 94-01 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS 330 PM EST TUE JAN 4 1994 TO: ALL NWS OFFICES, DOMESTIC DATA SERVICE SUBSCRIBERS, FAA USERS, AND OTHER USERS OF NGM MOS GUIDANCE FROM: JOHN F. MACHOWSKI ACTING CHIEF, SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SUBJECT: CHANGES TO NGM MOS PRECIPITATION TYPE EQUATIONS AT THE 6- AND 9-H PROJECTIONS (THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED BY MARY ERICKSON OF THE TECHNIQUES DEVELOPMENT LABORATORY) On January 5, 1993, the NGM MOS equations used to forecast precipitation type at the 6- and 9-h projections will be changed. The new equations contain additional observed predictors which improve the skill of the forecasts. The new predictors include the observed dew point depression, the average of the observed temperature and dew point, and three binary observed precipitation type predictors. The binary observations are snow/no snow, rain/no rain, and freezing precipitation (ZP)/ no ZP. The appropriate binary predictor is turned on (takes on a value of 1) when the precipitation type occurs, and is off (the value is 0) otherwise. Of the five new observed predictors, the ZP/no ZP and snow/no snow were most often included in the equations. The precipitation type guidance is available in the NGM MOS matrix, which is available on AFOS under the category FWC and to other users under WMO header FOUS14 KWBC. If you have any questions about this change, call Mary Erickson or John Jensenius at (301)-763-8151. END