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Posted: Fri, Jan 28, 1994 5:21 PM EST Msg: NGJE-6068-4964 Subj: ASOS commissioning notice I sent the follwong message under three different headers, as follows: WSHPNSWSH ADMN81 KWBC WSHPNSFOS NOFS11 KWBC WSHPNSNMC NOUS41 KWBC The text is the same in all three messages, except for the product identifier. WSHPNSWSH ADMN81 KWBC 282200 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS PUBLIC INFORMATION STATEMENT 450 PM EST FRI JAN 28 1994 ATTENTION: ALL NWS OFFICES, FAMILY OF SERVICES SUBSCRIBERS, NOAA WEATHER WIRE SERVICE SUBSCRIBERS, OTHER NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE PRODUCT USERS ***** NOTICE ***** Another important milestone in the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) program will be reached on February 1, 1994 when the National Weather Service (NWS) commissions an ASOS at one of the largest airports in the U.S. at the new Denver, Colorado airport (call letters DVX until the airport opens on March 9, when it will be changed to DEN). The commissioning event will occur at approximately 11 o'clock AM Eastern Standard Time. This site is unique in that it is staffed by contract augmenter until the FAA tower takes over the augmentation and backup functions. The ASOS observation at the new Denver airport is a new observation, which will replace the current manual observations at Stapleton airport opens. Another ASOS at Kalispell, Montana (call letters FCA) will also be commissioned at midnight on February 1, 1994. Commissioning of the ASOS at FCA means that ASOS will replace the current manual observations being transmitted with an automated, around-the-clock surface aviation observation. The NWS forecast offices at Denver and Great Falls, as well as the ASOS Operation and Monitoring Center (AOMC) in Silver Spring, Maryland will monitor ASOS products generated from these sites and coordinate maintenance actions as needed. In addition, the National Meteorological Center in Washington, D.C. will oversee the quality of the data. NOTE: Because ASOS observational formats are different from manual observational formats, automated decoder programs may require software modifications. Persons wishing more information concerning ASOS should contact their local National Weather Service office or call (301) 713-1781, FAX (301) 713-0003. END Posted: Wed, Jan 26, 1994 4:01 PM EST Msg: HGJE-6065-2612 Subj: NTIM - discontinue SIMs WSHPNSNMC NOUS41 KWBC 262040 NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE 94-02 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS 345 PM EST WED JAN 26 1994 TO: ALL COASTAL NWS OFFICES, FAMILY OF SERVICES SUBSCRIBERS (INTERNATIONAL, DOMESTIC DATA, AND AFOS GRAPHICS SERVICES), OFFUTT AFB, FAA USERS, CANADIAN AES, AND OTHER USERS OF SATELLITE INTERPRETATION MESSAGES FROM: JOHN F. MACHOWSKI ACTING CHIEF, SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SUBJECT: DISCONTINUATION OF ALPHANUMERIC AND GRAPHICAL SATELLITE INTERPRETATION MESSAGES AND INTRODUCTION OF NEW MARINE INTERPRETATION MESSAGES (THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED BY DAVE FEIT, CHIEF, MARINE FORECASTING BRANCH, NMC) Beginning at 1100 UTC on January 31, 1994, the alphanumeric Atlantic and Pacific Satellite Interpretation Messages (SIMs) cccSIMASM and cccSIMPSM (where "ccc" is the local node id for AFOS users) will no longer be available (the corresponding WMO headers are TBNT06 KWBC and TBPZ06 KWBC, respectively). A SIM is a detailed narrative discussion describing the meteorological situation over the oceans. On the same date, two alphanumeric Marine Interpretation Messages (MIMs) for the Atlantic and Pacific (AFOS identifiers cccMIMATN and cccMIMPAC, respectively) will be available TO AFOS USERS ONLY. A MIM is a brief explanation of the important features on the Marine Analysis Chart graphics (see below). It may also include a short description of forecast model trends over the area of interest. The MIM is intended solely as an enhancement to the Marine Analysis Chart graphics. The new alphanumeric MIM products will be updated according to the following schedule: Atlantic: 0430, 0600, 1630, and 1800 UTC. Pacific: 0700, 1030, 1900, and 2230 UTC. The 0600 and 1800 MIMs (ATN and PAC) will consist of discussions of forecast trends of marine parameters for the next 24 hours (ending 1200 and 0000 UTC). Atlantic (0430 and 1630 UTC) and Pacific (1030 and 2230 UTC) MIMs will discuss current conditions including: observations, SSM/I winds, satellite imagery, wind waves and swell. In addition, MIMATN and MIMPAC will be updated as conditions warrant. Also beginning at 1100 UTC on January 31, 1994, the Pacific graphic SIM (NMCGPHIPG) will no longer be available on AFOS nor the Family of Services AFOS Graphics Service. Two new graphics associated with the MIMs, will be instituted that day, and will be available on AFOS and the Family of Services AFOS Graphics Service, as follows: NMCGPHRA1 - Regional Marine Analysis Winds/Waves for the Atlantic NMCGPHRP1 - Regional Marine Analysis Winds/Waves for the Pacific These graphic products will be updated according to the following schedule: Atlantic: 0500 and 1700 UTC Pacific: 1030 and 2230 UTC For AFOS users, AFOS Change Notice #832, issued October 7, 1993, contains the necessary PILEDIT (data base update) information; however the effective date in that Change Notice was incorrect. Updated and corrected AFOS Change Notices will be issued in the next few days. For more information concerning these products, contact the Regional Marine Desk at NMC (301-763-8441) or David Feit (301-763-8442). END Posted: Wed, Jan 26, 1994 4:28 PM EST Msg: HGJE-6065-2920 Subj: correction to NTIM94-02 WSHPNSNMC NOUS41 KWBC 262117 NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE 94-02...CORRECTION NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS 415 PM EST WED JAN 26 1994 TO: ALL COASTAL NWS OFFICES, FAMILY OF SERVICES SUBSCRIBERS (INTERNATIONAL, DOMESTIC DATA, AND AFOS GRAPHICS SERVICES), OFFUTT AFB, FAA USERS, CANADIAN AES, AND OTHER USERS OF SATELLITE INTERPRETATION MESSAGES FROM: JOHN F. MACHOWSKI ACTING CHIEF, SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SUBJECT: DISCONTINUATION OF ALPHANUMERIC AND GRAPHICAL SATELLITE INTERPRETATION MESSAGES AND INTRODUCTION OF NEW MARINE INTERPRETATION MESSAGES (THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED BY DAVE FEIT, CHIEF, MARINE FORECASTING BRANCH, NMC) ...NOTE: CORRECTION IS ON THIRD LINE OF THIRD FULL PARAGRAPH, BETWEEN TWO SETS OF "***"... Beginning at 1100 UTC on January 31, 1994, the alphanumeric Atlantic and Pacific Satellite Interpretation Messages (SIMs) cccSIMASM and cccSIMPSM (where "ccc" is the local node id for AFOS users) will no longer be available (the corresponding WMO headers are TBNT06 KWBC and TBPZ06 KWBC, respectively). A SIM is a detailed narrative discussion describing the meteorological situation over the oceans. On the same date, two alphanumeric Marine Interpretation Messages (MIMs) for the Atlantic and Pacific (AFOS identifiers cccMIMATN and cccMIMPAC, respectively) will be available TO AFOS USERS ONLY. A MIM is a brief explanation of the important features on the Marine Analysis Chart graphics (see below). It may also include a short description of forecast model trends over the area of interest. The MIM is intended solely as an enhancement to the Marine Analysis Chart graphics. The new alphanumeric MIM products will be updated according to the following schedule: Atlantic: 0430, 0600, 1630, and 1800 UTC. Pacific: 0700, 1030, 1900, and 2230 UTC. The 0600 and 1800 MIMs (ATN and PAC) will consist of discussions of forecast trends of marine parameters for the next 24 hours (***ending 0000 and 1200 UTC, respectively***). Atlantic (0430 and 1630 UTC) and Pacific (1030 and 2230 UTC) MIMs will discuss current conditions including: observations, SSM/I winds, satellite imagery, wind waves and swell. In addition, MIMATN and MIMPAC will be updated as conditions warrant. Also beginning at 1100 UTC on January 31, 1994, the Pacific graphic SIM (NMCGPHIPG) will no longer be available on AFOS nor the Family of Services AFOS Graphics Service. Two new graphics associated with the MIMs, will be instituted that day, and will be available on AFOS and the Family of Services AFOS Graphics Service, as follows: NMCGPHRA1 - Regional Marine Analysis Winds/Waves for the Atlantic NMCGPHRP1 - Regional Marine Analysis Winds/Waves for the Pacific These graphic products will be updated according to the following schedule: Atlantic: 0500 and 1700 UTC Pacific: 1030 and 2230 UTC For AFOS users, AFOS Change Notice #832, issued October 7, 1993, contains the necessary PILEDIT (data base update) information; however the effective date in that Change Notice was incorrect. Updated and corrected AFOS Change Notices will be issued in the next few days. For more information concerning these products, contact the Regional Marine Desk at NMC (301-763-8441) or David Feit (301-763-8442). END