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Posted: Fri, Feb 18, 1994 4:54 PM EST Msg: NGJE-6095-3048 Subj: ntim - 4 cities added to European temp. table WSHPNSNMC NOUS41 KWBC 182100 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE 94-03 400 PM EST FRI FEB 18 1994 TO: ALL NWS OFFICES, DOMESTIC DATA SERVICE SUBSCRIBERS, FAA USERS, AND OTHER USERS OF THE FOREIGN TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER TABLE FROM: JOHN F. MACHOWSKI ACTING CHIEF, SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SUBJECT: FOUR CITIES TO BE ADDED TO THE FOREIGN TEMPERATURE AND WEATHER TABLE (THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED BY MARY NEWTON OF THE SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH IN THE OFFICE OF METEOROLOGY). On March 2, 1994 at approximately 1200 UTC, four cities will be added to the Foreign Temperature and Weather Table (AFOS header TPTEUR; WMO header ABXX6 KWBC). The stations are as follows: (1) Frankfurt, Germany (2) Munich, Germany (3) Zurich, Switzerland (4) St. Petersburg, Russia The forecasts for these cities will be inserted into the table in alphabetical order. If you have questions regarding this change, call Mary Newton at (301) 713-0462. END