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NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE 94-12 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS 215 PM EDT THU APR 21 1994 ...CORRECTED FOR NUMBER... TO: ALL USERS OF NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) RADAR OBSERVATIONS FROM: MARY C. NEWTON ACTING CHIEF, SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SUBJECT: AUTOMATED WSR-88D RADAR OBSERVATION (ROB) (THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED BY RICH LANE OF THE OPERATIONS DIVISION OF THE OFFICE OF METEOROLOGY.) As the National Weather Service (NWS) continues the transition from the conventional radar network to that of the WSR-88D, there has been much concern and interest in the continued availability of radar observations. In order to maintain observations for use in composite radar maps, and to provide users with radar information they need, a procedure has been established to incorporate WSR-88D radar observations from commissioned WSR-88D sites into the current collective of radar data. The WSR-88D radar observations will appear much the same as conventional radar observations except that they will be identifiable by the word "AUTO" as the last entry in the remarks section of the Storm Detection portion. The following paragraphs give additional information on these derived radar observations. The WSR-88D automatically generates a product called the Radar Coded Message (RCM). The RCM is sent from the WSR-88D to the National Severe Storms Forecast Center (NSSFC) in Kansas City, Missouri via the NWS Automation of Field Operations and Services (AFOS) communications system. NSSFC produces and edits a national grid composite of RCMs and derives Radar Observations (ROB), which includes the Storm Detection (SD) and Manually Digitized Radar (MDR) sections, for WSR-88D sites. NOTE: Because the RCMs are not quality controlled, they are directed to NSSFC where quality checks are applied and the ROBs derived. The derived ROB products are then distributed. The NSSFC uses a sophisticated two-step computer editing program to produce the "derived ROBs." The first step involves a comparison of five data sets, while the second uses three data sets. Once the ROBs are generated with the "AUTO" appended, they are sent to the NWS Telecommunication Gateway in Silver Spring, Maryland. The derived radar observations (ROBs) are then distributed to all users. Derived ROBs will be generated for commissioned WSR-88D radars only. Existing network WSR-57 and WSR-74 radar sites will still produce ROBs. At sites where WSR-57s and 74s have to be shut down in order to facilitate installation and operation of WSR-88D radars prior to commissioning, existing backup procedures will be followed. Three of the WSR-88D derived ROBs in use are Amarillo, Texas, Garden City, Kansas, (Dodge City, Kansas WSR-88D site), and Wichita, Kansas. The rate of commissioning is anticipated to increase during the coming months and additional derived ROBs will be added. Each derived ROB will become available as the radar it reports is commissioned. The Services Development Branch apologizes for the numbering and date/time confusion. If you have any questions about the ROBs, call Rich Lane, (301)-713-1706. END