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NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE 95-05 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS 415 PM EST MON JAN 9 1995 TO: ALL USERS OF NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE PRODUCTS FROM: JOE FRIDAY, DIRECTOR, NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE SUBJECT: NMC UPDATE ON FMH-1 IMPLEMENTATION PROBLEMS An intense effort to correct surface hourly decoder problems at the National Meteorological Center is continuing. Manual procedures remain in place to ensure that the Selected Cities Summaries of observations are complete and correct. In addition, the summary of rainfall in the National Weather Summary being written at the National Severe Storms Forecast Center (NSSFC) may not be as complete as usual because of additive data decoding problems. NSSFC is using manual techniques to try to overcome the decoding problem. The severe weather and aviation programs at NSSFC have not been affected by the decoding problem. The next status message will be issued when significant progress on the decoding problem has been made. If you have any questions, call Jim Howcroft, Deputy Director of NMC, at (301)-763-8181 or Ralph Petersen, Acting Chief of NMC's Meteorological Operations Division, at (301)-763-8097. END