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PUBLIC INFORMATION STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON DC 830 AM EST THU JAN 19 1995 TO: FAMILY OF SERVICES (FOS) SUBSCRIBERS, NOAA WEATHER WIRE SERVICE (NWWS) SUBSCRIBERS, OTHER NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) PRODUCT USERS, NWS EMPLOYEES FROM: DONALD R. WERNLY, CHIEF, WARNING AND FORECAST BRANCH SUBJECT: FORECAST AND LONG-FUSE WARNING RESPONSIBILITIES FOR THE TEXAS AND OKLAHOMA PANHANDLES TRANSFERRED TO THE AMARILLO WEATHER SERVICE OFFICE, EFFECTIVE FEBRUARY 21, 1995. Effective at 9:00 a.m. Central Standard Time (CST) (1500 Universal Coordinated Time), Tuesday, February 21, 1995, forecast and long-fuse warning responsibilities for 23 zones in the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles (table 1) will be transferred to the Weather Service Office (WSO) in Amarillo (AMA), Texas from the Lubbock (LBB), Texas Weather Service Forecast Office. Because of this forecast and long-fuse warning transfer, subscribers to the NOAA Weather Wire Service (NWWS) and the Family of Services (FOS) must take appropriate action to receive the products listed in table 2 for these 23 zones using the new product identifiers from WSO AMA. Table 1. Texas zones 1-20 and Oklahoma zones 1-3 will be transferred to WSO AMA for forecasts and long-fuse warnings. Universal Generic Codes (UGC) for these zones (Z) are shown in the table. UGC Z Zone name UGC Z Zone name UGC Z Zone name code (by county) code (by county) code (by county) TXZ001- Dallam TXZ009- Roberts TXZ017- Randall TXZ002- Sherman TXZ010- Hemphill TXZ018- Armstrong TXZ003- Hansford TXZ011- Oldham TXZ019- Donley TXZ004- Ochiltree TXZ012- Potter TXZ020- Collingsworth TXZ005- Lipscomb TXZ013- Carson TXZ006- Hartley TXZ014- Gray OKZ001- Cimarron TXZ007- Moore TXZ015- Wheeler OKZ002- Texas TXZ008- Hutchinson TXZ016- Deaf Smith OKZ003- Beaver Table 2. For the 23 zones in the Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles, the following forecast and long-fuse warning information will switch to the new product identifiers from WSO AMA. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION NWWS ID WMO ID for FOS TX/OK PANHANDLE AREA FORECAST (new) LBBAFPAMA FPTX41 KAMA (old) LBBSFPTX FPUS1 KLBB TX/OK PANHANDLE PUBLIC ZONE FORECAST (new) LBBZFPAMA FPUS5 KAMA (old) LBBZFPTX FPUS5 KLBB TX/OK PANHANDLE AGRICULTURAL FORECAST (new) LBBAGFAMA FXUS08 KAMA (old) LBBAGFLBB FXUS8 KLBB FLASH FLOOD WATCH (new) LBBFFAAMA RWUS31 KAMA (old) LBBFFALBB RWUS31 KLBB NON-PRECIPITATION ADVSY/WATCH/WARNING (new) LBBNPWAMA WWUS45 KAMA (old) LBBNPWLBB WWUS45 KLBB WINTER STORM ADVSY/WATCH/WARNING (new) LBBWSWAMA WWUS46 KAMA (old) LBBWSWLBB WWUS46 KLBB For holders of Weather Service Operations Manual Chapter C-11, Appendix A (Zone Forecast Area Maps), this notice updates pages A-7, A-47, A-63, and A-71. Replacement pages will be distributed to all holders of this Appendix. Also, since the Amarillo Local and Vicinity Forecast is essentially the same as the public zone forecast for Texas zones 12 and 17, the NWS will discontinue the Amarillo Local and Vicinity Forecast (NWWS ID LBBLFPAMA; WMO header for FOS: FQUS1 KAMA) effective 9:00 a.m. CST (1500 Universal Coordinated Time), Tuesday, February 21, 1995. "Local" forecast information for Amarillo is still available from the appropriate zone forecast, as indicated in table 3 below. Table 3. INFORMATION ON: OLD PRODUCT IDs: WILL FOUND BE FOUND UNDER: AMARILLO NWWS: LBBLFPAMA NWWS ID LBBZFPAMA (ZONES 12 17) LOCAL FORECAST WMO: FQUS1 KAMA UGC Z TXZ012-017- WMO ID FPUS5 KAMA (for FOS) A forecast for the Amarillo listening area will continue to be broadcast on the Amarillo NOAA Weather Radio (WXK-38 operating on a frequency of 162.550 Mhz). If you have any questions, please contact: JOSE GARCIA ANDY ANDERSON METEOROLOGIST IN CHARGE METEOROLOGIST IN CHARGE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE R. R. 3, BOX 578 SUITE 100 AMARILLO, TX 79107 2579 SOUTH LOOP 289 PHONE: M-F 8AM-4PM, 806-335-1121 LUBBOCK, TX 79423-1400 PHONE: M-F 8AM-4PM, 806-745-4260 END