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PUBLIC INFORMATION STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON DC 830 AM EST THU JAN 26 1995 TO: FAMILY OF SERVICES (FOS) SUBSCRIBERS, NOAA WEATHER WIRE SERVICE (NWWS) SUBSCRIBERS, OTHER NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) PRODUCT USERS, NWS EMPLOYEES FROM: DONALD WERNLY, CHIEF, WARNING AND FORECAST BRANCH SUBJECT: SHORT-FUSE COUNTY WARNING AREA TRANSFER # 95-15: BOISE WEATHER SERVICE FORECAST OFFICE'S SHORT-FUSE COUNTY WARNING AREA EXPANDS...EFFECTIVE APRIL 3, 1995. Effective Monday, April 3, 1995 at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (1600 Univeral Coordinated Time), the National Weather Service (NWS) will transfer short-fuse warning responsibility for two counties in Eastern Oregon to the Boise (BOI), Idaho Weather Service Forecast Office (WSFO) from the Weather Service Office (WSO) in Pendleton (PDT), Oregon and the WSFO in Portland (PDX), Oregon. For these counties, WSFO BOI will issue short-fuse warning products (Table 2) and related products that give follow-up information on the warnings (Table 3). For holders of Weather Service Operations Manual Chapter C- 47, County Warning Areas, this is the 15th update for 1995. Because of this county warning transfer, subscribers to the NOAA Weather Wire Service (NWWS) and the Family of Services (FOS) must take appropriate action to receive the short-fuse warnings and related products for these two counties using the BOI identifier (Tables 2 and 3) instead of the PDT and PDX identifiers. The Universal Generic Codes (UGC), however, will remain unchanged (as shown in Table 1). Table 1. Transfers TO BOI. (Z= zone code; C= county code) COUNTY UGC Z UGC C FROM COUNTY UGC Z UGC C FROM BAKER ORZ011- ORC001- PDT HARNEY ORZ012- ORC025- PDX Table 2. The following are short-fuse warning products for the two counties transferred to BOI. UGC C codes are used in these. Warning product for: NWWS ID WMO header (for FOS) Tornadoes BOITORBOI WFUS1 KBOI Severe thunderstorms BOISVRBOI WUUS1 KBOI Flash floods BOIFFWBOI WRUS1 KBOI Table 3. The following are key related products for the two counties transferred to BOI. UGC Z codes are used in these. Related products NWWS ID WMO header (for FOS) Special weather statement BOISPSBOI WWUS35 KBOI Severe weather statement BOISVSBOI WWUS34 KBOI Civil emergency message BOICEMBOI MMUS40 KBOI Public info. statement BOIPNSBOI ABUS34 KBOI Short-term forecast BOINOWBOI FXUS21 KBOI Flash flood statement BOIFFSBOI RWUS32 KBOI Local storm report BOILSRBOI WWUS30 KBOI * Winter weather warnings BOIWSWBOI WWUS46 KBOI * Non-precipitation warnings BOINPWBOI WWUS45 KBOI * Used only for emergency backup to WSFO PDX. WSFO PDX issues the following products for longer fuse events affecting these two counties: Related products NWWS ID WMO header (for FOS) Special weather statement PDXSPSPDX WWUS35 KPDX Severe weather statement PDXSVRPDX WWUS34 KPDX Civil emergency message PDXCEMPDX MMUS40 KPDX Public info. statement PDXPNSPDX ABUS34 KPDX Winter weather warnings PDXWSWPDX WWUS46 KPDX Non-precipitation warnings PDXNPWPDX WWUS45 KPDX If you have further questions, you may contact the following: (MIC = Meteorologist in Charge; WCM = Warning Coordination Meteorologist) John A. Jannuzzi, MIC NEXRAD NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE FORECAST OFFICE NATIONAL INTERAGENCY FIRE CENTER 3833 S DEVELOPMENT AVE BLDG 3807 BOISE ID 83705-5354 (208-334-9861) Steven Todd, WCM NOAA NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE NEXRAD WEATHER SERVICE FORECAST OFFICE 5241 NE 122ND AVE PORTLAND OR 97230-1089 (503-326-2340) Dan Keeton, MIC NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE OFFICE 2036 AIRPORT ROAD PENDLETON OR 97801 (PENDLETON MUNICIPAL AIRPORT) (503-276-4493) END NNNN ZCZC WSHPNSWSH ALL TTAA00 KWSH DDHHMM PUBLIC INFORMATION STATEMENT NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS WASHINGTON DC 830 AM EST THU JAN 26 1995 TO: FAMILY OF SERVICES (FOS) SUBSCRIBERS, NOAA WEATHER WIRE SERVICE (NWWS) SUBSCRIBERS, OTHER NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE (NWS) PRODUCT USERS, NWS EMPLOYEES FROM: DONALD WERNLY, CHIEF, WARNING AND FORECAST BRANCH SUBJECT: SHORT-FUSE COUNTY WARNING AREA TRANSFER # 95-16: LOS ANGELES WEATHER SERVICE FORECAST OFFICE'S SHORT-FUSE COUNTY WARNING AREA EXPANDS...EFFECTIVE APRIL 3, 1995. Effective Monday April 3, 1995, at 9:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time (1600 Universal Coordinated Time), the National Weather Service (NWS) will transfer short-fuse warning responsibility for a county in Southern California to the Los Angeles (LAX), California Weather Service Forecast Office (WSFO) (at Oxnard) from the Weather Service Office (WSO) in Santa Maria (SMX), California. For these counties, WSFO LAX will issue short-fuse warning products (Table 2) and related products that give follow-up information on the warnings (Table 3). For holders of Weather Service Operations Manual Chapter C-47, County Warning Areas, this is the 16th update for 1995. Because of this county warning transfer, subscribers to the NOAA Weather Wire Service (NWWS) and the Family of Services (FOS) must take appropriate action to receive the short-fuse warnings and related products for this county using the LAX identifier (Tables 2 and 3) instead of the SMX identifier. The Universal Generic Codes (UGC), however, will remain unchanged (as shown in Table 1). Table 1. Transfers TO LAX. (Z= zone code; C= county code) COUNTY UGC Z UGC C FROM TO ** SANTA BARBARA CAZ015- CAC083- SMX LAX CAZ022- CAZ023- ** Adjacent to Coastal waters: east of Pt. Conception CAZ501- SMX LAX north of Pt. Conception CAZ503- SMX LAX Table 2. The following are short-fuse warning products for the county transferred to LAX. UGC C codes are used in these products except Z codes for adjacent coastal waters. Warning product for: NWWS ID WMO header (for FOS) + Tornadoes LAXTORLAX WFUS1 KLAX + Severe thunderstorms LAXSVRLAX WUUS1 KLAX * Special Marine LAXSMWLAX WMUS1 KLAX Flash floods LAXFFWLAX WRUS1 KLAX + will include special marine warnings if both land and water areas are threatened. * issued if coastal waters only are threatened Table 3. The following are key related products for the county transferred to LAX. UGC Z codes are used in these. Related products NWWS ID WMO header (for FOS) Special weather statement LAXSPSLAX WWUS35 KLAX Severe weather statement LAXSVSLAX WWUS34 KLAX Civil emergency message LAXCEMLAX MMUS40 KLAX Public info. statement LAXPNSLAX ABUS34 KLAX Short-term forecast LAXNOWLAX FXUS21 KLAX Flash flood statement LAXFFSLAX RWUS32 KLAX Local storm report LAXLSRLAX WWUS30 KLAX WSFO LAX will continue to issue the following products for longer fuse events affecting the county. Related products NWWS ID WMO header (for FOS) Special weather statement LAXSPSLAX WWUS35 KLAX Severe weather statement LAXSVRLAX WWUS34 KLAX Civil emergency message LAXCEMLAX MMUS40 KLAX Public info. statement LAXPNSLAX ABUS34 KLAX Winter weather warnings LAXWSWLAX WWUS46 KLAX Non-precipitation warnings LAXNPWLAX WWUS45 KLAX If you have further questions, you may contact the following: (OIC = Official in Charge) GARY RYAN, OIC NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE OFFICE SANTA MARIA PUBLIC AIRPORT 3249 TERMINAL DRIVE STE 201 SANTA MARIA CA 93455 (805) 925-0246 TODD MORRIS, AREA MANAGER NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE FORECAST OFFICE 520 N ELEVAR STREET OXNARD CA 93030 (805) 988-6615 END NNNN