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NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE 95-08 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS 500 PM EST WED FEB 15 1995 TO: ALL USERS OF NWS PRODUCTS FROM HAWAII FROM: CHRISTINE ALEX, AVIATION SERVICES BRANCH (coordinated with Ed Young, NWS Pacific Region Headquarters) SUBJECT: PLANNED 4-HOUR OUTAGE ON FAA LABS CIRCUIT - AFFECTING DISTRIBUTION OF NWS PRODUCTS IN HAWAII (should have been worded NWS PRODUCTS FROM HAWAII) The FAA is planning a system-wide outage of the FAA Leased A and B Systems (LABS) on February 16, 1995 from 0600 to 1000 UTC 8:00 pm to midnight local Hawaiian time. The information that will be missing during the outage are those products which originate on the FAA LABS circuit to destinations outside of Hawaii (such as NWS and FAA surface observations and NWS local forecasts and warnings from Hawaiian Weather Service Offices [WSOs]). NWS products prepared by the Weather Service Forecast Office (WSFO) in Honolulu WILL CONTINUE TO BE AVAILABLE DURING THIS OUTAGE. The NWS local forecasts and warnings from the Hawaiian WSOs will NOT be available on either the NOAA Weather Wire Service (NWWS) NOR on the Family of Services circuits during the outage. However, airport surface observations from NWS offices will be available internally at WSFO Honolulu to NWS offices within Hawaii, via the Hawaii State Civil Defense circuit. Therefore, aviation terminal forecasts prepared by WSFO Honolulu (PHNL) are not expected to be interrupted during the planned outage. The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (PTWC) should be only minimally impacted for the four hour outage because they have their own aftn link to the Salt Lake City NADIN Center for their international AFTN users. END