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WSHPNSNMC NOUS41 KWBC 161902 NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE 95-09 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS 200 PM EST THU FEB 16 1995 TO: ALL USERS OF MILITARY DATA THROUGH THE NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE TELECOMMUNICATION GATEWAY FROM: FRED ZBAR, ACTING CHIEF, SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SUBJECT: PLANNED 10-HOUR OUTAGE ON FEBRUARY 19, 1995 BETWEEN MILITARY WEATHER ACQUISITION/DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM AND NWS TELECOMMUNICATION GATEWAY There will be a planned outage of the NWS Telecommunication Gateway - Military Weather Acquisition/Distribution System (Automated Weather Network [AWN]) interface from 1300 - 2300 UTC (0800 - 1800 EST) on February 19, 1995. A backup connection will be maintained during the outage. Therefore, the outage should be transparent to users. Some differences will be noted in the format of the data, most particularly, the record separator will not be found preceding individual surface and upper air observations and terminal forecasts within collectives generated by the AWN. END