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WSHPNSNMC NOUS41 KWBC 241903 NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE 95-11 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS 200 PM EDT FRI FEB 24 1995 TO: USERS OF NWS OBSERVATIONS FROM DENVER'S STAPLETON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT FROM: FRED ZBAR ACTING CHIEF, SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SUBJECT: CLARIFICATION OF SURFACE OBSERVATION PROGRAM IN DENVER, COLORADO REFERENCE: NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE 95-10, DATED FEBRUARY 21, 1995 (THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED BY DIRK STAUBS, NWS DATA REVIEW GROUP): NOTE TO AFOS AND NWWS USERS: THE FOLLOWING CHANGE HAS NO IMPACT TO NWWS USERS. The reference message stated that the Automated Surface Observing System (ASOS) at the new Denver International Airport location was a Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) system. While the data will be transmitted through the FAA communications system it is in fact a National Weather Service ASOS system. If you have any questions or concerns about this change, contact Dirk Staubs, at (301) 713-1373 or via e-mail at the following address: dstaubs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx END ********************* end of 1st message *********************** ######################## 2nd message ############################### WSHPNSNMC NOUS41 KWBC 241904 NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE 95-12 NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE HEADQUARTERS 200 PM EDT FRI FEB 24 1995 TO: USERS OF NWS UPPER AIR PRODUCTS FROM DENVER, COLORADO FROM: FRED ZBAR ACTING CHIEF, SERVICES DEVELOPMENT BRANCH SUBJECT: CHANGE IN UPPER AIR OBSERVATION PRODUCT HEADERS AT DENVER, COLORADO REFERENCE: NATIONAL TECHNICAL INFORMATION MESSAGE 95-10, DATED FEBRUARY 21, 1995 (THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION WAS PROVIDED BY DIRK STAUBS, NWS DATA REVIEW GROUP): NOTE TO AFOS AND NWWS USERS: THE FOLLOWING CHANGE HAS NO IMPACT TO NWWS USERS. As documented in the reference message issued earlier this week, effective at 0701 hours UTC on February 28, 1995, the identifier for the Denver International Airport will permanently change from DVX to DEN. Also at that time the identifier for the old Stapleton International Airport location and the NWS Forecast Office in Denver (which is located at Stapleton International Airport) will change from DEN to DNR. As a result, the AFOS PIL headers for upper air observations that will continue to be taken at the Stapleton International Airport location will also change. To reiterate what is changing, upper air observations will continue to be taken at Stapleton International Airport. The change is only the location identifier associated with the upper air observations taken at Stapleton International Airport. For AFOS users the following new PIL headers will become effective on February 28, 1995, at 1200 hours UTC to accommodate the new site identifier: OLD PIL HEADERS: NEW PIL HEADERS: DENABVDEN DENABVDNR DENFZLDEN DENFZLDNR DENMANDEN DENMANDNR DENSGLDEN DENSGLDNR The Stapleton International Airport location (DNR) remains at 39.8 deg N, 104.9 deg W (elevation 5330 feet or 1625 meters), and the WMO block and station number remains as 72469. Therefore, NO changes are required for Family of Services users and other direct NWS Telecommunication Gateway (NWSTG) users as the upper air observations for Denver, Colorado, will continue to be included in the following four collectives under the block and station number of 72469. UJUS81 KWBC USUS80 KWBC UJUS82 KWBC UXUS99 KWBC For AFOS users, an AFOS Change Notice will be sent out under the AFOS PIL cccADADRG sometime next week. If any other PIL headers issued by WSFO Denver change as a result of this identifier change you will be notified via GENOTS and change notices. Users who maintain upper air decoders are reminded to update any station information files with the new identifier (DNR) for the upper air observation location at Stapleton International Airport. If you have any questions or concerns about this change, contact Dirk Staubs, at (301) 713-1373 or via e-mail at the following address: dstaubs@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx END ######################## end of 2nd message ########################## Sent on electronic mail by: Chris Alex Internet: calex@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (301)-713-1726 ext 142