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The NWS CRAY-3 computer system was damaged by a fire yesterday - Monday, September 27th. The impacts on NESDIS production at this point are unclear. This will not impact satellite image data, but could impact Sounder Data, Derived Imagery, ASOS, Cloud Drift Winds, the AutoEstimator for IFFA, and other areas dependent on model data input. Following a total outage of the CRAYs due to the fire, some NESDIS products overnight were affected by a lack of current model data. At present, the other CRAYs appear to be handling the load o.k., and satellite based products are being produced normally. However, the longevity and future impact of the outage is unknown at this time. NWS is conducting a meeting tomorrow to discuss the issues. Updates will be provided as information becomes available. Steve Arnett Satellite Analysis Branch NOAA/NESDIS/SSD steve.arnett@xxxxxxxx (301) 763-8051 ext 109