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935 NOXX01 EDZW 151300 To all user of METEOSAT data in BUFR code Vapour Winds (HWW) in BUFR code for global exchange We have been informed from EUMETSAT Darmstadt that the following HWW data will be available from METEOSAT 7 at 0 degrees and METEOSAT 5 at 63 degrees East from today for GTS distribution o n r e q u e s t under the following headings: BUFR headings from METEOSAT 7 at 0 degrees: ------------------------------------------- IUCN13 - 23 EUMS (Northern hemisphere) IUCS13 - 23 EUMS (Southern hemisphere) BUFR headings from METEOSAT 5 at 63 degrees East: ------------------------------------------------ IXCN13 - 23 EUMS (Northern hemisphere) IXCS13 - 23 EUMS (Southern hemisphere) EDZW ---------- End Forwarded Message ----------