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------ previous email from 6/25/01 below ------ Summary: Reference longitude to shift from 135.0W to 135.7W at 2145Z on 6/25/01. (today!!) Reference longitude to shift from 135.7W to 135.0W at 2145Z on 8/10/01. =============begin message from SOCC================= The GOES-10 reference longitude will be changed to accommodate its deviation of more than 0.5 from 135.0 W. A slight one-time perspective change may be noticed by GOES-10 GVAR users for the following reference longitude changes. The reference longitude will be changed to 135.7 degrees West on June 25 at 21:45:00Z. The reference longitude of 135.0 degrees West will be re-instated on August 10 at 21:45:00Z. These changes are to minimize any image shearing while GOES-10 is out of its longitude box. Details: The GOES-10 NS maneuver performed on June 19, 2001 (01/170) imparted a westward drift that will cause the S/C to depart its assigned longitudinal box limits of 134.5 W -135.5 W. GOES-10 will drift to a maximum of 135.84 W longitude on (01/198) before it begins to drift eastward. This deviation from the Longitude "box" could possibly result in Image shearing during normal IMC on operations. To prevent this shearing, the OATS Reference longitude term IMCRE9/REFLON9 will be modified from its nominal 135.0 W (3.926990816987 Rads East) to 135.7 W (3.914773512223 Rads East) while the S/C is outside of its assigned "box". This change will take effect following the enabling of the Daily IMC set on DOY 01/176 @ 21:45z. The reference longitude of 135.0 W will be re-instated on DOY 01/222 @ 21:45z when the S/C crosses back through 135.5 W. =============end message from SOCC================ Tom Renkevens Satellite Analysis Branch Satellite Services Division NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD thomas.renkevens@xxxxxxxx