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GOES-9 and GOES-12 Information: As you may know, GOES-9 has been out of storage for testing since November 14th. Since that time, there has been very limited GVAR data available including one image on November 14 and about 24 hours worth of data from on November 26-27. With GOES-12 activities winding down next week, including: North-South Maneuver on 12/16/01 at 18:41:35Z through 1911:50Z East-West Maneuver on 12/19/01 at 01:37:05Z through 01:37:14Z Storage Maneuver on 12/20/01 at 0530Z, increased GOES-9 GVAR testing will soon begin. On December 17th (time yet to be determined), a start up INR (Image Navigation and Registration) schedule will commence on GOES-9 with short Full Disk scans (19 min.) at XX15/XX45 and Conus soundings (18 min.) at XX16/XX46. This scan scenario will continue through 1900Z on December 21. There are NO GOES-9 GVAR scan operations scheduled between 12/21/01 and 12/26/01. The GOES-9 schedule begins again on 12/26/01 (time yet to be determined) with normal Full Disk scans at xx15/xx45 and the current GOES-8 sounder scan scenario. INR should improve during this time, and GOES-9 GVAR will continue for several weeks until returning back to storage on 01/17/02. Further information will be provided once available. Tom Renkevens Satellite Analysis Branch Satellite Services Division NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD thomas.renkevens@xxxxxxxx