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Updated GOES-9 and GOES-12 Information: GOES-9 Updated Schedule: GOES-9 GVAR activities resumed on December 17th, 2001 with short Full Disk scans (19 min.) at XX15/XX45 and Conus soundings (18 min.) at XX16/XX46. This schedule will continue through December 25, 2001 (If you recall in the previous schedule, there were NO GOES-9 GVAR scan operations scheduled between 12/21/01 and 12/26/01.) The GOES-9 schedule on 12/26/01 will revert to a normal Full Disk schedule with imager scans at xx15/xx45 and the current GOES-8 sounder scan scenario. GOES-9 GVAR will continue for several weeks until returning back to storage on 01/17/02. GOES-12 Activities from SOCC morning report ( The Z-Axis Precession (ZAP) storage spinup activity was completed on December 20 at 0718z. Final post-launch handover of the GOES-12 satellite is expected on December 21. Tom Renkevens Satellite Analysis Branch Satellite Services Division NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD thomas.renkevens@xxxxxxxx