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---------- Forwarded Message ---------- GOES-8 Users: As a result from the anomaly experienced on GOES-8 Sunday March 31, 2002 (see text below from the SOCC daily report), additional commanding is required on GOES-8, which will result in additional cancellation of satellite imagery prior to entering the GOES-8 eclipse period. Images missed are now extended to include: Imager 0401Z Conus Imager 0409Z Southern Hemisphere Sounder 0346Z Conus See for other eclipse information.
From SOCC Daily Report ( ):
At 11:10Z on March 31, GOES-8 downlink transmitters (SD and MDL) and power amplifiers A & B turned off. CDA was used to verify that it was a spacecraft problem. SOCC maintained telemetry and command capability. Engineering investigation showed a problem with the spacecraft's auto load shedding function which effected not only the transmitters but effected DIRA, storage and panel heaters. With auto load shedding disabled, sensor data transmitter and power amplifiers were turned on at 15:14Z. Normal scheduled operations resumed at 15:17Z. GOES-8 was in a nominal configuration by 16:31Z. During eclipse, systems were turned off through a mini-schedule. --------------- Tom Renkevens Satellite Analysis Branch Satellite Services Division NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD thomas.renkevens@xxxxxxxx [End of message from WXSAT-L] ---------- End Forwarded Message ----------