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April 12, 2002 MEMORANDUM FOR: Distribution E FROM: John H. Ward Chief, Production Management Branch SUBJECT: Changes to the NWS Production Suite On Tuesday, 16 April at 12Z the resolution of the RUC model will be increased from 40 km to 20 km. There will be no change in the forecast grids being disseminated via AWIPS or Family of Services. The target completion time for the 20 km RUC will be approximately 10 minutes later than the 40 km. The 3 hour forecast will be completed by 45 minutes after each hour and the 12 hour forecast will be completed 55 minutes after each hour. These new target times continue to satisfy the NWS and FAA requirements for forecast guidance from the RUC. A Real-Time Test and Evaluation of the 20 Km RUC began on 8 March. Test data are available on the NCEP ftp server at: and also on the NWS ftp server at: The advertised changes to the BUFR data stored on the NCEP supercomputer originally planned for 26 March, have been rescheduled for 7 May. This delay is necessary to facilitate testing of the large number of applications that utilize these BUFR codes and to accommodate previously scheduled travel plans by the programmers involved with this implementation. ALL PROGRAMMERS WHO UTILIZE THESE BUFR DATA SHOULD DETERMINE IF THE PROPOSED BUFR CHANGES WILL IMPACT THEIR PROCESSING AND TEST THEIR CODES WITH THE TEST DATASETS LISTED AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS MEMO. If there are other codes which must be modified prior to the BUFR data change, please submit JIFS as soon as possible. See the bottom of this memo for more information. A series of changes to the NCEP global model are planned for this Spring. On Tuesday, 5 March 2002, at 12Z the forecast length of the global AVN model was increased to 384 hours for all four cycles. These extended forecast data are currently available on the NCEP ftp server at: and on the NWS ftp server at: Starting with the 00Z cycle on 24 April 2002 the 00Z MRF model will be replaced with look-alike grids from the 00Z AVN model. These look-alike grids will be available through Fall 2002. NCEP is currently making these look-alike grids in parallel production. These data are available on the NCEP ftp server at: Finally, in early June the resolution of the NCEP global model will be increased from T170L42 to T254L64. A list of the major model implementations planned for 2002 can be found at: As additional information about each implementation becomes available, links will be added on the change summary page. To unsubscribe from the JIF memo use the link provided at: