Changes in the distribution of METEOSAT data

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NOXX01 EDZW 271000

To all user of METEOSAT data in BUFR code

         in BUFR code for global exchange
Ref.:    NOXX01 EDZW 121330 and 181500 of March 2002

Please be informed that EUMETSAT intends to start on
Tuesday, 28 May 2002 at 1200 UTC the global distribution
of Rapid Scanning Service (RSS) MPEF products in BUFR
code under the following headings:

IRCN01-03 EUMS  Clear Sky Water Winds
IRCN05-11 EUMS  Cloud Motion Winds
IRCN13-22 EUMS  High Resolution WV Winds
IRCN24-29 EUMS  High Resolution Visible Winds
IRRN01-26 EUMS  Clear Sky Radiances.


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