NOTE: The nws-changes
mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.
The message included below was sent earlier on our communications lines. It is also posted to the NWS Data Management Change Notices web page at the following URL. 2002/08/21 DM 07-02.11 REMOVAL OF MDL FILES FROM TGSV1 NOXX10 KWBC 231929 DATA MGT MESSAGE 07-02.11 TO AWIPS/NOAAPORT USERS... FAMILY OF SERVICES /FOS/ SUBSCRIBERS... EMERGENCY MANAGERS WEATHER INFORMATION NETWORK /EMWIN/ NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE /NWS/ CUSTOMERS... WAFS USERS... GTS USERS... NWS FAX CHART USERS FROM RTH WASHINGTON DATA MANAGEMENT MDL (formerly TDL) is moving their operational files available via anonymous ftp from TGSV1 ( to the NWS's TGFTP file server. A cross-listing of the files currently available on TGSV1 and their New Directory / File locations on TGFTP are available on the Data Management website at: The removal of the files from TGSV1 will be on 21 August 2002. MDL(TDL) Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/ngm/20020322cc/fwc.txt /tdl/lan/fwc.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.anf/DC.mos/DS.fwc/RD.20020322/cy.hh.txt where hh = 00, 12 Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/ngm/20020322cc/ngmmosaf.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.anf/DC.mos/DS.fwcaf/RD.20020322/cy.hh.txt where hh = 00, 12 Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/ngm/20020322cc/grib New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.gr1/DC.mos/DS.fwc/RD.20020322/cy.hh.bin where hh = 00, 12 Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/trj/20020322cc/fous5057.txt /tdl/lan/fous5057.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.anf/DC.traj/RD.20020322/cy.hh.txt where hh = 00, 12 Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/trj/20020322cc/grib New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.gr1/DC.traj/RD.20020322/cy.hh.bin where hh = 00, 12 Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/lamp/20020322HH/grib New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.gr1/DC.lamp/RD.20020322/cy.hh.bin where hh=02,05,08,11,14,17,20,23 Current Directory / Files /tdl/lan/flp.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.anf/DC.lamp/cy.hh.txt where hh=02,05,08,11,14,17,20,23 Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/avn/20020322cc/avnmav.txt /tdl/lan/avnmav.txt /tdl/lan/avnmav618.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.anf/DC.mos/DS.mav/RD.20020322/cy.hh.txt where hh = 00, 06, 12, 18 Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/avn/20020322cc/avnafmav.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.anf/DC.mos/DS.mavaf/RD.20020322/cy.hh.txt where hh = 00, 06, 12, 18 Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/avn/20020322cc/mavgribak mavgribcns mavgribtsvr New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.gr1/DC.mos/DS.ssssss/RD.20020322/cy.hh.bin DS.sss(sss) = mavak mavcns mavsvr where hh = 00, 06, 12, 18 Current Directory / Files /tdl/lan/ssak.txt /tdl/lan/ssar.txt /tdl/lan/ssec.txt /tdl/lan/ssgm.txt /tdl/lan/sswc.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.anf/DC.etss/DS.ssss/RD.20020322/cy.hh.txt DS.ssss = ssak ssar ssec ssgm sswc Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/mrf/2002032200/mrfafmex.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.anf/DC.mos/DS.mexaf/RD.20020322/cy.hh.txt where hh = 00, 12 Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/mrf/2002032200/mrfmex.txt /tdl/lan/mrfmex.txt /tdl/mos/ens/tdl_mrfmex.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.anf/DC.mos/DS.mex/RD.20020322/cy.hh.txt where hh = 00, 12 Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/mrf/2002032200/mexgribak mexgribcns mexgribtsvr New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.gr1/DC.mos/DS.ssssss/RD.20020322/cy.hh.bin DS.sss(sss) = mexak mexcns mexsvr where hh = 00, 12 Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/ens/tdl_ensc0mex.txt /tdl/mos/ens/tdl_ensn1mex.txt /tdl/mos/ens/tdl_ensn2mex.txt /tdl/mos/ens/tdl_ensn3mex.txt /tdl/mos/ens/tdl_ensn4mex.txt /tdl/mos/ens/tdl_ensn5mex.txt /tdl/mos/ens/tdl_ensp1mex.txt /tdl/mos/ens/tdl_ensp2mex.txt /tdl/mos/ens/tdl_ensp3mex.txt /tdl/mos/ens/tdl_ensp4mex.txt /tdl/mos/ens/tdl_ensp5mex.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.anf/DC.ensmos/DS.sssss/RD.20020322/cy.hh.txt DS.sssss = c0mex n1mex n2mex n3mex n4mex n5mex p1mex p2mex p3mex p4mex p5mex where hh = 00, 12 Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/mrf/2002032200/fox.txt /tdl/lan/fox.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.anf/DC.mos/DS.fmr/RD.20020322/cy.hh.txt where hh = 00, 12 Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/mrf/2002032200/grib New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.gr1/DC.mos/DS.fmr/RD.20020322/cy.hh.bin where hh = 00, 12 Current Directory / Files /tdl/lan/hry.txt (File no longer available) New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.anf/DCmos/DS.met/RD20020322/cy.hh.txt where hh = 00, 12 New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.gr1/DCmos/DS.ssssss/RD20020322/cy.hh.bin DS.sss(sss) = metak metcns metsvr where hh = 00, 12 // Listed below are the cross reference for WMO Header format // Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/ngm/20020322cc/fwc.txt /tdl/lan/fwc.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.c5/DC.mos/DS.fwcfo/sn.nn.txt where nn = 01-12 FOUS14 KWNO Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/ngm/20020322cc/ngmmosaf.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.c5/DC.mos/DS.fwcfo/sn.nn.txt where nn = 01-12 FOUW01-10, FOUM01-08, FOUE01-15 KWNO Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/ngm/20020322cc/bufr New Directory / File SL.us008001/ where nn = 01-08 JSMT41-46 KWBC Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/trj/20020322cc/fous5057.txt /tdl/lan/fous5057.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.c5/DC.traj/DS.ftjfo/sn.nn.txt where nn = 01-08 FOUS50-57 KWNO Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/avn/20020322cc/avnmav.txt /tdl/lan/avnmav.txt /tdl/lan/avnmav618.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.c5/DC.mos/DS.mavfo/sn.nn.txt where nn = 01- 40 FOPA20, FOUS21-26, FOAK37-39 KWNO Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/avn/20020322cc/avnafmav.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.c5/DC.mos/DS.mavfo/sn.nn.txt where nn = 01- 20 FOUS30, FOAK30, FOPA30,FOCA30 KWNO Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/avn/20020322cc/mavbufr New Directory / File SL.us008001/ where nn = 01- 16 JSMT20-29 KWNO Current Directory / Files /tdl/lan/ssak.txt /tdl/lan/ssar.txt /tdl/lan/ssec.txt /tdl/lan/ssgm.txt /tdl/lan/sswc.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.c5/DC.etss/DS.mrpfq/sn.nn.txt where nn = 01- 08 FQAC40, FQUS23, FQGX40, FQPN40 KWBC Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/mrf/2002032200/mrfafmex.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.c5/DC.mos/DS.mexfe/sn.nn.txt where nn = 01- 02 FEUS30, FEAK30, FEPA30, FECA30 KWNO Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/mrf/2002032200/mrfmex.txt /tdl/lan/mrfmex.txt /tdl/mos/ens/tdl_mrfmex.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.c5/DC.mos/DS.mexfe/sn.nn.txt where nn = 01- 12 FEPA20, FEUS21-26, FEAK37-39 KWNO Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/mrf/2002032200/mexbufr18_84 /tdl/mos/mrf/2002032200/mexbufr90_198 New Directory / File SL.us008001/ where nn = 01- 04 JSMT60-69, JSMT70-79 KWNO Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/mrf/2002032200/fox.txt /tdl/lan/fox.txt New Directory / File SL.us008001/DF.c5/DC.mos/DS.fmrfo/sn.nn.txt where nn = 01- 02 FOXC40-76,FOXE40-61, FOXS40-68, FOXW40-63 KWBC FOAK20-24 KWNO Current Directory / Files /tdl/mos/mrf/2002032200/bufr New Directory / File SL.us008001/ where nn = 01- 02 JSMT51-59 KWBC FOR FOS/NOAAPORT FOR FOS/NOAAPORT AND NON-AWIPS CUSTOMERS - IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING ROUTING OR WOULD LIKE TO ADD THESE PRODUCTS TO YOUR DATASTREAM PLEASE CONTACT. Data Management EMail THIS INFORMATION IS ALSO POSTED ON THE NWS DATA MANAGEMENT CHANGE NOTICES WEB PAGE. THE URL IS LISTED BELOW. DATA MANAGEMENT TELECOMMUNICATION OPERATIONS CENTER RTH WASHINGTON SENDS