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ROM: John H. Ward Chief, Production Management Branch SUBJECT: Changes to the NWS Production Suite The implementation of the T254 Global Forecast System (GFS) is tentatively rescheduled for Tuesday, 29 October. The T254 GFS requires approximately 20 additional minutes of wall-clock time than the current T170 version. The impact of this change on the NCEP production schedule will be as follows: GFS 120 hour products delayed 21 minutes GFS 384 hour products delayed 21 minutes GFDL Hurricane model delayed 25-30 minutes Wave model products delayed 25 minutes AVN MOS products delayed 21 minutes 1200 UTC Global Ensemble products delayed 25 minutes When the next NCEP Central Computer System (CCS) becomes operational in 2003, product delivery will return to the current schedule. Details of the upcoming change to the GFS can be found at: The GFS naming convention has created a degree of confusion over the last few weeks. The GFS is not a new model, it is new terminology for the suite of applications (data collection, analysis, model, etc.) currently identified as the Aviation (AVN) Model run. Plans are being developed to replace the AVN acronym on the WEB and in the ftp server file structures. Those changes, however, will occur slowly over a lengthy period of time, with ample notification and overlapping to provide sufficient time for the transition. No changes are expected prior to the completion of the CCS conversion. The transition to the next NCEP CCS has began on a small, single node test system. Production Management Branch (PMB) has begun to move all operational codes and scripts to the test system and perform an initial recompile and test of the operational codes. Individual programmers will only be contacted if problems are encountered during these initial tests. At this time production codes have not been frozen. In early October, all operational codes will be frozen while PMB establishes parallel operations on the CCS. The moratorium on changes to the production suite can be expected to extend at least through the normal holiday moratorium period. All JIF's for changes to be made prior to the moratorium should be submitted by 1 September. No implementations will be scheduled for October, with the exception of the T254 GFS. More details on the transition and moratorium will be provided as they become available. A list of the major model implementations planned for 2002 can be found at: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *