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The message included below was sent earlier on our communications lines. It is also posted to the NWS Data Management Change Notices web page at the following URL. 2002/12/16 1200 UTC DM12-02.02 New Directory and File Names for AVN Global Octants NOXX10KWBC 122012 DATA MGT MESSAGE 12-02.02 TO AWIPS/NOAAPORT USERS... FAMILY OF SERVICES /FOS/ SUBSCRIBERS... EMERGENCY MANAGERS WEATHER INFORMATION NETWORK /EMWIN/ NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE /NWS/ CUSTOMERS... WAFS USERS... GTS USERS... NWS FAX CHART USERS FROM RTH WASHINGTON DATA MANAGEMENT New Directory and File Names for AVN Global Octants For WMO heading begins with H and CCCC = KWBC Existing directory and file name example: /SL.us008001/ST.opnl/MT.avn_CY.00/RD.20021212/ New directory and file name examples (for global octants only, other products do not change): /SL.us008001/ST.opnl/MT.avn_CY.00/RD.20021212/ / / / / / / / ar.octantx - Area of Data, Octantx where x = i-p octanti = 30 W - 60 E Northern Hemisphere octantj = 60 E- 150 E Northern Hemisphere octantk = 150 E -120 W Northern Hemisphere octantl = 120 W - 30 W Northern Hemisphere octantm = 30 W - 60 E Southern Hemisphere octantn = 60 E- 150 E Southern Hemisphere octanto = 150 E -120 W Southern Hemisphere octantp = 120 W - 30 W Southern Hemisphere FOR FOS/NOAAPORT FOR FOS/NOAAPORT AND NON-AWIPS CUSTOMERS - IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING ROUTING OR WOULD LIKE TO ADD THESE PRODUCTS TO YOUR DATASTREAM PLEASE CONTACT. Data Management EMail THIS INFORMATION IS ALSO POSTED ON THE NWS DATA MANAGEMENT CHANGE NOTICES WEB PAGE. THE URL IS LISTED BELOW. DATA MANAGEMENT TELECOMMUNICATION OPERATIONS CENTER RTH WASHINGTON SENDS