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---------- Forwarded Message ---------- January 02, 2003 From: "Thomas Renkevens" <Thomas.Renkevens@xxxxxxxx> Topic: Reminder: Temporary GOES-West(10) Scanning Pattern Change Jan 05, 2003 through March 31, 2003 Message Issued: January 02, 2003 1715 UTC (Update of message from October 29, 2002, 1327 UTC) Satellites Impacted: GOES-10 Products Impacted: GOES-10 Southern Hemisphere Image every 3 hours Date/Time of Initial Impact: January 05, 2003, 2145Z ----------------------------------------- Details: Attention GOES-West (GOES-10) Imagery Users: Per a request of the research community and ongoing coordination with NOAA's NWS and NESDIS, a temporary change to the GOES-West (10) Routine Imager Scanning schedule is scheduled for early 2003. Rapid Scan and Super Rapid Scan schedules are not affected and will be available during this period. Routine scanning operations will also be available should conditions warrant. This GWINDEX (GOES rapid scan Winds EXperiment) research request is in support of the Pacific Landfalling Jet Experiment (PACJET). This experiment will provide not only improved GOES winds product, but also real-time utility to NWS field forecasters and in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP). **This temporary schedule will be in effect from:** **2145Z on Jan 05, 2003 through 2145Z on March 31, 2003.** **The effected schedule and images are as follows:** Approximately one third of the current Southern Hemisphere Image that are scanned hourly at xx:52 will be replaced with a Pacific US (PACUS) sector. -->*This replacement of the Southern Hemisphere image with a PACUS image will occur every 3 hours at 02:52Z, 05:52Z, 08:52Z, 11:52Z, 14:52Z, 17:52Z, 20:52Z, and 23:52Z.*<-- Therefore, the Southern Hemispheric images at the other hours (00:52Z, 01:52Z, 04:52Z, 06:52Z, 07:52Z, 09:52Z, 10:52Z, 12:52Z, 13:52Z, 16:52Z, 18:52Z, 19:52Z, and 22:52Z) will remain unaffected, as will all of the current Southern Hemisphere imagery scanned at XX:22. Note the missing 03:52Z, 15:52Z, and 21:52Z images as normal due to housekeeping periods on GOES-10. You may recall this as an identical scanning pattern to that implemented in January-March of 2002, which was a scaled down version of the scanning pattern implemented in January-March 2001. As in the past, the additional PACUS image will be disseminated over normal means such as NOAAPORT and AWIPS. In the event of operational considerations (for example, a tropical cyclone approaching the American Samoa) the current GOES-West scanning schedule can and will be reinstated for the duration of full operational needs. The GWINDEX schedule will be reinstated once conditions warrant. See for full details on the current scanning strategy and scanning schedule. See for information from the previous GWINDEX. If there are any other concerns to this temporary schedule change, please contact me. Tom Renkevens Satellite Services Division NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD 301-763-8081 x109 thomas.renkevens@xxxxxxxx