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The message included below was sent earlier on our communications lines. It is also posted to the NWS Data Management Change Notices web page at the following URL. 2003/03/04 1100 DM02-03.13 NWS Secure Router Outage Rescheduled NOXX10 KWBC 261716 DATA MGT MESSAGE 02-03.13 TO AWIPS/NOAAPORT USERS... FAMILY OF SERVICES /FOS/ SUBSCRIBERS... EMERGENCY MANAGERS WEATHER INFORMATION NETWORK /EMWIN/ NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE /NWS/ CUSTOMERS... WAFS USERS... GTS USERS... NWS FAX CHART USERS FROM RTH WASHINGTON DATA MANAGEMENT We encountered difficulties when we replaced cards during the outage this past Monday. As a result, we are canceling our planned outage for Wednesday, February 26, 2003. On Tuesday March 4, 2003 at 6:00am EST (11 UTC) we will work with Cisco to investigate the problems that occurred during our card replacement. Please note that if Tuesday is a Critical Weather Day, the test will be postponed. The router involved in this test is the Telecommunication Operations Center (TOC) secure router (NWS Washington, DC). We are scheduling a window of about 45 min. The affected router is located inside the SOC firewall. All data flowing through our secure router will be affected. This includes direct connections to our secure router, such as, NCEP Nesdis DATMS-U GTS links Radar multicast SAS customers Although connections to our regional and non-secure router are not affected, no data will be available to our public FTP and web servers during this period. We apologize for any inconvenience that this outage may cause. Please contact me if the timing of this outage presents a critical problem for your operations. Please forward this message to anyone who will be affected by this action but was left off the mailing list. I would appreciate if you would send me the email address of anyone that should be informed of scheduled downtime in the future, but was not included in the current list. Also, inform me if you wish to have your name removed from this list. Jackie Lord Ph: 301-713-1878 x 126 Email: jacqueline.lord@xxxxxxxx FOR FOS/NOAAPORT AND NON-AWIPS CUSTOMERS - IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING ROUTING OR WOULD LIKE TO ADD THESE PRODUCTS TO YOUR DATASTREAM PLEASE CONTACT. Data Management EMail THIS INFORMATION IS ALSO POSTED ON THE NWS DATA MANAGEMENT CHANGE NOTICES WEB PAGE. THE URL IS LISTED BELOW. DATA MANAGEMENT TELECOMMUNICATION OPERATIONS CENTER RTH WASHINGTON SENDS ---------- End Forwarded Message ----------