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Topic: Meteosat Scheduled Interruptions Message Issued: November 20, 2003, 1600 UTC Satellites Impacted: Meteosat-7 and Meteosat-5 Products Impacted: Imagery and Services from Meteosat-7 and Meteosat-5 Date/Time of Initial Impact: November 24, 2003 1258 UTC ----------------------------------------- Details: Scheduled interruptions for Week 47 Meteosat 0° Service (Met-7) None. Meteosat 63° Service (Met-5) Due to a MET-5 E-W station-keeping maneuver at 12:58 on 24 November 2003 (day 03.328), Users may experience degraded image quality for up to 6 hours after the maneuver. There will be a Met-5 IR and WV gain change at 08:27 UTC on 25 November 2003 (day 03.329). The new gain values for IR and WV will be 6 and 8 respectively. Meteosat Second Generation (Commissioning Operations) Activities planned for week 48 On 24 November 2003 (day 03.328) there will be some HRV window testing between the 10:15 and 11:00 UTC repeat cycles. During this period the HRV window will be moved form its nominal value. On 25 November 2003 (day 03.329) Indian Ocean Data Collection (IODC) data from MET-5 will be made available on EUMETCast. It will be on the LRIT channel as part of the FSD products. It will be disseminated 3 hourly. During this trial phase there is a risk of some unscheduled interruptions. These will normally be documented in NEWS or ADMIN sevice messages. Dissemination Schedules: Meteosat 0 deg Service: current schedule S0011M01. Meteosat 63 deg Service: current schedule S9904I01. This information and more is available on the EUMETSAT web site - Follow this link for dissemination service news - Eumetsat Operations ----------------------------------------- Contact Information: Brian Hughes / Tom Renkevens Satellite Services Division NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD 301-763-8051 x106 / x109 Brian.Hughes@xxxxxxxx Thomas.Renkevens@xxxxxxxx See for this and other satellite related messages. See for full GOES scanning schedules.