NOTE: The nws-changes
mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons. 2006/05/22DM 03-06.08 Change in file structure of State Weather Roundup (SWR) to Regional Weather Roundup (RWR) on the NWSTG
File Servers. NOXX10 KWBC 211359 DATA MGT MESSAGE 03-06.08 TO AWIPS/NOAAPORT USERS.. FAMILY OF SERVICES/FOS/SUBSCRIBERS... EMERGENCY MANAGERS WEATHER INFORMATION NETWORK /EMWIN/ NATIONAL WEATHER SERVICE /NWS/ CUSTOMERS... WAFS USERS... GTS USERS... NWS FAX CHART USERS... NWS FTP USERS FROM RTH WASHINGTON DATA MANAGEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE MAY 22 2006 SUBJECT Change in file structure of State Weather Roundup (SWR) to Regional Weather Roundup (RWR) on the NWSTG File Servers. The new WMO headers and AWIPS IDs for Weather Roundup (RWR) product are available on the NWS FTP Servers. The products are located in the directory listed below. Current directory structure - New Directory Structure - IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS REGARDING ROUTING OR WOULD LIKE TO ADD THESE PRODUCTS TO YOUR DATASTREAM PLEASE CONTACT. Data Management EMail THIS INFORMATION IS ALSO POSTED ON THE NWS DATA MANAGEMENT CHANGE NOTICES WEB PAGE. THE URL IS LISTED BELOW. DATA MANAGEMENT TELECOMMUNICATION OPERATIONS CENTER RTH WASHINGTON SENDS -- The NOAA's National Weather Service has a Web Based Customer Relationship Management System that responds to customers' needs for information. The URL address for our CRM System is listed below.,,,,1:467:1 Thank you for using our CRM System. -- Regards, Richard A. Robinson III Senior Data Manager DOC/NOAA/NWS/CIO11 Work 301-713-0880 ext. 179 Monday thru Thursday Fax 301-713-1409 Monday thru Thursday Cell 240-393-3337 Monday thru Friday (Second)