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FROM: John H. Ward Chief, Production Management Branch Subject: Changes to the NWS Production Suite1. NCEP FTP services changed on 19 April 2006 - NCEP will be moving the location of its operational data sets to a faster server located next to our connection to the Internet at NOAA headquarters in Silver Spring, Maryland on 3 May 2006. This will provide users with faster access to the operational data sets contained within the following locations:
To accomplish this, the non-operational, NCEP center specific ftp content was separated from the interface on 19 April 2006. Users will now need to use the center specific ftp sites to access these center specific data. For example, users who in the past accessed content from EMC at now can only access these data from ; Further information on this change is located at: The replacement of the NAM-Eta with the NAM-WRF is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, 13 June. Parallel data sets for the new NAM/WRF are available at: An upgrade to the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) is tentatively scheduled for Tuesday, 30 May. Parallel data sets for the new GEFS are available at: As soon as the moratorium on changes at the NWS Telecommunications Operations Center (TOC) is lifted, NCEP will begin the transition from GRIB1 to GRIB2, by placing duplicate GRIB2 files on the TOC FTP server. Both sets of data will remain on the TOC FTP server for a minimum of 180 days to allow users to transition to the GRIB2 data sets. More information will be provided once the TOC moratorium has ended.
5. Upcoming changes to NCEP's production suite can be viewed at the following website: <snip> * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ============================================================================== To unsubscribe nws-changes, visit: ==============================================================================