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*Topic:* Addition of three new stations to 1B operations has been delayed *Date/Time(UTC) Message Issued:* 08 June 2006, 1300 UTC *Satellite(s) Involved:* All NOAA POES *Instrument(s) Involved:* HRPT *Product(s) Involved/Affected:* HRPT, AIPH *Date/Time(UTC) of Initial Implementation:* TBD, Time TBD UTC *Details/Specifics of Change:*The implementation of the new 1B data from Miami, Australia, and Hawaii stations has been delayed. As soon as a new date is set, this notice will be reissued. This may be as early as next week. Please complete your system check out using the test data from the anonymous ftp site. Contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your patience.
***** Original Message *****On June 8, NOAA would like to begin providing HRPT data from the following stations to the user community.
MI - Miami, Florida CF - Cape Ferguson, Queensland, Australia EB - Ewa Beach, Oahu, HawaiiWe have monitored this data and are ready to release it to our users. Much of the data is noisy with time code errors and drop outs (especially the NOAA-15 and 16 data). If we currently push HRPT data to you, you will automatically receive this data. Users that pull the data will see it in there list of available data. The data set naming convention is the same as current HRPT data with the station endings indicated above.
*Contact Person(s) Name/Email/Phone Number for Questions:* Emily Harrod Emily.Harrod@xxxxxxxx 301-457-5247 ext. 117 *Web site(s) that contain other relevant information (where applicable):* - History of level 1B notices - All user notices - SOCC polar satellite status - SOCC geostationary satellite status <> - SOCC morning reports
-- ******************************************* * * Emily D. Harrod * NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD/IPD * Computer Operations Branch * Pre-Product Processing Group * E/SP11, Federal Building #4, room 0318 * 5200 Auth Road * Suitland, Maryland 20746-4304 * USA * voice 301-457-5247 ext 117 * fax 301-457-5199 * email Emily.Harrod@xxxxxxxx -- Linda Miller - lmiller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Community Services, Unidata University Corporation for Atmospheric Research P.O. Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307-3000303-497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690
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