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To SATEPS / McIDAS Grid file users:SATEPS has been notified by the SDM that the NCEP / NAM-Eta model changes, originally scheduled for June 13, have been postponed until next week due to Critical Weather Day.
Please continue testing products with the test grids files MOD/WRF on gp9, to investigate the impact of the products. It is expected that the quality of the products will be improved.
Once testing is complete, you will need to change back to access the NAM data on the operational Model Server, with the MOD/NAM name. _/*Please note that the NAM model will not be renamed to WRF. The NAM-WRF changes will be transparent to the end user, and will continue to be accessed on the operational Model Server (gp15) with the MOD/NAM name.*/_
Please report any problems to the ESPC Operations and/or Bonnie Morgan. Thanks- SATEPS Programming Staff Bonnie Morgan (301) 763-8429 x207 ESPC Operations (301)763-8222 Accessing the backup Model Server (gp9) DATALOC ADD MOD Accessing the WRF grid GRDLIST MOD/WRF FORM=FILE Switching back to the operational Model Server (gp15) DATALOC ADD MOD --The SSDhelpdesk@xxxxxxxx email address has been changed to ESPCoperations@xxxxxxxx. Please make note of this and change your procedures, mailing list, etc... to reflect this change.
Please contact ESPCoperations@xxxxxxxx if you have any problems. (301) 763-8222 -- Linda Miller - lmiller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Community Services, Unidata University Corporation for Atmospheric Research P.O. Box 3000 Boulder, CO 80307-3000303-497-8646 fax: 303-497-8690
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