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mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.
SUBJECT: Changes to the NWS Production Suite1. The electronic JIF software is tentatively scheduled to be updated on Tuesday, 27 February. Three new fields are being added: 1. Reason for change; 2. Technical impact of change; and 3. Expected customer impact. The “Reason for Change” data input box is mandatory and must be filled in by the submitter. The two impact statements will be provided by NCO. If the submitter is aware of a technical or customer impact they are encouraged to fill in those sections as well. 2. The transition to the new Central Computer System (CCS) is completed. NCEP computer operations were switched to the new systems on Wednesday, 24 January. The old systems were decommissioned on Thursday, 15 February. All data stored in NFS or GPFS on the old system is no longer accessible. 3. Full access to the Replacement Telecommunications Gateway (RTG) was completed at 12Z on Wednesday, 24 January. All customers should now have access to both GRIB1 and GRIB2 NCEP model data. An error was uncovered in the GRIB conversion software. The six month period for parallel GRIB1 and GRIB2 access will not begin until that error can be addressed. NCEP/NCO has public web resources available to aid users through this transition period. For information regarding product equivalents for GRIB1 and GRIB2 on the TOC servers ( and, please see the following link: For information regarding a utility which converts GRIB2 to GRIB1 and vice-versa, please see the following link: 4. Upcoming changes to NCEP's production suite and details on any product or timing changes that are associated with upcoming implementations can be viewed at the following website:
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