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SUBJECT: Changes to the NWS Production Suite1. GRIB1 to GRIB2 migration - NCEP is providing new data sets to the NWS ( and NCEP ( servers in GRIB2 format only. GRIB1 legacy products will continue to be populated on the servers through January of 2008. An official Technical Implementation Notice (TIN) will be disseminated by NWSHQ in July 2007 informing users that all GRIB1 formatted products will be discontinued on the servers in January 2008. It is imperative that users of GRIB1 data begin migrating over to GRIB2 format. NCEP provides free software for users to convert GRIB2 formatted data back into GRIB1 format. Please use the link below to obtain the software utility to convert formats: Information regarding product equivalents for GRIB1 and GRIB2 on the NWS FTP TOC servers ( and and NCEP ftp server ( can be found via the link below: Please direct all questions concerning the software codes to the following NCO PMB Dataflow Helpdesk: NCEP.PMB.Dataflow@xxxxxxxx
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