20070629: ncep update

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FROM: John H. Ward Chief, Production Management Branch
SUBJECT:              Changes to the NWS Production Suite

1. GRIB1 to GRIB2 migration - NCEP is providing new data sets to the NWS (tgftp.nws.noaa.gov) and NCEP (ftp.ncep.noaa.gov) servers in GRIB2 format only. GRIB1 legacy products will continue to be populated on the servers until 28 January 2008. An official NWS Technical Implementation Notice (TIN) will be disseminated in July 2007 announcing that all GRIB1 formatted products will be discontinued on the servers in January 2008. It is imperative that users of GRIB1 data begin migrating over to GRIB2 format. NCEP provides software to convert GRIB2 formatted data back into GRIB1. Please use the link below to obtain the software utility to convert formats: http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/codes/GRIB2/ Information regarding product equivalents for GRIB1 and GRIB2 on the NWS FTP TOC servers (tgdata.nws.noaa.gov and tgftp.nws.noaa.gov) and NCEP ftp server (ftp.ncep.noaa.gov) can be found via the link below: http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/docs/GRIB1_to_GRIB2.shtml Please direct all questions concerning the software codes to the following NCO PMB Dataflow Helpdesk: NCEP.PMB.Dataflow@xxxxxxxx 2. Upcoming major changes to NCEP's production suite and details on any product or timing changes associated with upcoming implementations can be viewed at the following website: http://www.nco.ncep.noaa.gov/pmb/changes/ Test data for each of these proposed changes should be available six weeks prior to implementation. Anyone wishing to receive formal notice of the final pre-implementation testing and the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed changes can subscribe to the Model Evaluation mailing list via: https://lstsrv.ncep.noaa.gov/mailman/listinfo/ncep.list.modelevalinfo

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   The following items will be implemented at 12Z on Monday, 2 July:

720. COVER - IBM Job COVER. (Michaud, NP11). The NCEP Model Analyses and Forecasts Web Page provides meteorological forecast model output graphics on a website maintained by NCEP Central Operations. There are twelve models displayed on this web site.
These models are:
1. North American Mesoscale (NAM)
2. Global Forecast System (GFS)
3. Wave Watch III (WW3)
4. Nested Grid (NGM)
5. Short Range Ensemble Forecast (SREF)
6. Rapid Update Cycle (RUC)
7. High Resolution Window (HRW) Weather Research and Forecast (WRF)
8. Polar Ice Drift (POLAR)
9. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL) hurricane model (GHM)
10. Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS)
11. Real Time Mesoscale Analysis (RTMA)
12. Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF)
The link to the production model graphics web site is:


The link to the parallel production web site is:


The operational Model Analyses and Forecast Web Site will be modified to 
include a link to the experiment web site.

The following describes the additions and modifications to the Model Analyses 
and Forecasts experimental web site.

Three models have been added to the Model Analyses and Forecasts experimental 
web site. These are the Global Ensemble Forecast System (GEFS) Real Time 
Mesoscale Analysis (RTMA) and the Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting 
(HWRF) models.

The GEFS is a GFS-based model run with twenty ensemble members. GEFS graphics are made 
for the North American, South American, and Western North Atlantic backgrounds. The added 
GEFS graphics are ¦spaghetti¦ charts that show each ensemble member for a given 
parameter. They are available at 6 hourly increments out to 384 hours. The parameters 
plotted on these spaghetti graphics include:
1. 200 mb heights
2. 500 mb heights
3. mean sea-level pressure

Each of the above parameters is available on a single medium-resolution chart 
as well as on 4-panel charts. Looping is also available for the above graphics.

RTMA graphics provide 5 KM Mesoscale analyses of select parameters for fifteen different regions in North America. These regions are California, the Carolinas, Colorado, the Dakotas, Florida, the Gulf Coast, Michigan, the Mid-Atlantic, the Midwest, Montana, New England, the Pacific Northwest, the Southwest, Texas, and Wisconsin. The RTMA is produced hourly.
The parameters plotted on these graphics include:
1. Two meter temperature
2. Two meter dew point
3. Ten meter wind speed
4. Ten meter wind direction

These charts are available at three resolutions. These resolutions are:
1. coarse ¦ 640x480 image size, approx. 37 Kb per image
2. medium ¦ 1024x768 image size, approx. 50 Kb per image
3. fine ¦ 1280x1024 image size, approx. 100 Kb per image

The HWRF hurricane model graphics were added to the North America Models Analyses 
& Forecasts web page as two links to the Full Domain (Atlantic/Pacific) storms 
and Nested Domain (5x5 degrees). From those pages, two web pages will display up to 
four hurricanes.

The HWRF graphics include seven different types for the Atlantic/Pacific view and seven 
for the nested ¦close-up¦ view for a combined total of 14 graphics. Graphics 
are available at six hour increments out to 126 hours. These include:

1. 200mb heights, vorticity and winds
2. 500mb streamlines, relative humidity, and omega
3. 500mb heights, vorticity and winds
4. 700mb heights, vorticity and winds
5. 850mb heights, vorticity and winds
6. 10-meter ground winds, mean sea level pressure, and surface temperature; and
7. 6-hour precipitation and mean sea level pressure.

The graphics are depicted in different resolutions to accommodate various 
displays and download capabilities. These resolutions are:

1. coarse 640x480 image size, approximately 37 kilobytes per image
2. medium 1024x768 image size, approximately 70 kilobytes per image
3. fine 1280x1024 image sizes, approximately 100 kilobytes per image

In addition, two series of four panel charts are available. The first of these 
display a chart at four consecutive forecast time steps up to 126 hours. The 
second of these are four related graphics at the same forecast hour.

Graphics for South America have been added for the GFS. The South American 
graphics include the entire suite of graphics produced for the North American 
background except that they are created only at medium resolution.

Other additional graphics have been added to the product suite. They include 
six hour total precipitation for the NAM (out to 84 hrs), NGM (out to 48 hrs), 
and GFS (every 6 hrs out to 180 hrs, then every 12 hrs from 192 to 384 hrs). 
Several total precipitation charts for the GFS beyond forecast hour 180 have 
been added for the 12, 24, 36, 48, and 60 hr forecasts. In addition, 1000-850 
mb thicknesses and 850-700 mb thicknesses have been added to the GFS, NAM, and 
NGM (coarse, medium, and fine resolutions).  The NCEP Model Analyses and 
Forecasts Web Page is being modified as a 3rd Quarter milestone in the NCEP 
Annual Operating Plan.  The link to the experimental web site needs to be 
created to make the website publicly available for a 30-day evaluation.

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