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*Topic:* Correction of Earth Location Error *Date/Time(UTC) Message Issued:* 10 July 2007, 1500 UTC *Satellite(s) Involved:* NOAA-16 *Instrument(s) Involved:* All earth located instrument data *Product(s) Involved/Affected:* All Products *Date/Time(UTC) of Initial Implementation:* 9 July 2007, Time 1820 UTC *Details/Specifics of Change:*On 9 July 2007 around 1730 UTC, operations accidentally implemented a bad User Ephemeris File (UEF) of orbit parameters for NOAA-16 . This was used to produce bad earth locations in the level 1b data for the 5 files listed below. Each pass was reprocessed and distributed to users.
N1A.GHRR.NL.D07190.S1617.E1733.B3502829.GC N1A.GHRR.NL.D07190.S1428.E1623.B3502728.GC N1A.GHRR.NL.D07190.S1241.E1433.B3502627.GC N1A.GHRR.NL.D07190.S1050.E1244.B3502526.GC N1A.HRPT.NL.D07190.S1803.E1812.B3502929.CFOn 10 July 2007 Around 0100 UTC, the UEF was corrupted again with the same bad data. This problem was not detected until around 1130 UTC. We have updated the UEF and reprocessed the affected 1B data as indicated below.
NSS.HRPT.NL.D07191.S0144.E0154.B3503434.EB NSS.HRPT.NL.D07191.S0638.E0647.B3503636.CF NSS.HRPT.NL.D07191.S0902.E0911.B3503838.WI NSS.HRPT.NL.D07191.S0909.E0920.B3503838.MI * * NSS.GHRR.NL.D07190.S2034.E2227.B3503032.GC NSS.GHRR.NL.D07190.S2222.E0016.B3503233.GC NSS.GHRR.NL.D07191.S0011.E0151.B3503334.GC NSS.GHRR.NL.D07191.S0147.E0340.B3503435.WI NSS.GHRR.NL.D07191.S0336.E0530.B3503536.WI NSS.GHRR.NL.D07191.S0527.E0719.B3503637.WI NSS.GHRR.NL.D07191.S0717.E0901.B3503738.WI NSS.GHRR.NL.D07191.S0856.E1042.B3503839.WIPlease accept my apologies for any problems this may have caused for your operations.
*Contact Person(s) Name/Email/Phone Number for Questions:* Emily Harrod Emily.Harrod@xxxxxxxx 301-817-3882 *Web site(s) that contain other relevant information (where applicable):* - History of level 1B notices - All user notices - SOCC polar satellite status - SOCC geostationary satellite status <> - SOCC morning reports
-- ******************************************* * * Emily D. Harrod * NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD/IPD * Computer Operations Branch * Pre-Product Processing Group * E/SP11, NSOF, room 1460 * 4231 Suitland Road * Suitland, Maryland 20746-4304 * USA * voice 301-817-3882 * fax 301-817-3902 * email Emily.Harrod@xxxxxxxx * ******************************************* ============================================================================== To unsubscribe nws-changes, visit: ==============================================================================