NOTE: The nws-changes
mailing list is no longer active. The list archives are made available for historical reasons.
Subject: GI:Critical Weather Day (08-14-07 to 08-19-07) extended From: ESPCoperations <ESPCoperations@xxxxxxxx> Date: Fri, 17 Aug 2007 08:34:18 -0400 To: ESPC.Notification@xxxxxxxx To: All Friday August 17, 2007The current Critical Weather Day (CWD) has been extended. A local Critical Weather Day for NCEP will be in effect until 06Z on August 19th because of the influence that Hcn Dean is having on Puerto Rico and other US interests in the Caribbean.
Also, users can get an updated CWD status on the NCEP WEB page: Mark Shirey - SDM Senior Duty Meteorologist <sdm@xxxxxxxx <mailto:sdm@xxxxxxxx>> Senior Duty Meteorologist Production Management Branch NCEP Central Operations --The SSDhelpdesk@xxxxxxxx email address has been changed to ESPCoperations@xxxxxxxx. Please make note of this and change your procedures, mailing list, etc... to reflect this change.
Please contact ESPCoperations@xxxxxxxx if you have any problems. (301) 817-3880