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Topic: MSG Calibration Change Update Message Issued: January 9, 2008, 1845 UTC Satellites Impacted: Meteosat-9 Products Impacted: All Meteosat-9 data and products from NOAA Date/Time of Initial Impact: January 21, 2008 -------------------------- Details: NOAA has received the following bulletin from EUMETSAT: ------ EUMETSAT plans to implement the new MSG Level 1.5 image product radiance definition in April 2008. In preparation for this implementation a period of user validation of the new radiance definition has been set for 21 January to 17 March 2008. During this validation period there will be parallel dissemination on EUMETCast-Europe of Meteosat-9 image data, the current operational service containing the existing "spectral" radiance definition and a parallel validation service containing the new "effective" radiance definition. Additionally, a parallel dissemination of Meteorological Products will be provided via EUMETCast-Europe and the GTS. Users wishing to receive the parallel data stream on EUMETCast-Europe should register with the User Service Helpdesk via ops@xxxxxxxxxxxx . Further information – also documentation - and a time line of events can be found at: For your initial validation, a set of High Rate SEVIRI test files are now available from the EUMETSAT ftp site at: Note: EUMETSAT validation of the effective radiance definition is on-going throughout the months of January to March 2008. During this period data disseminated either via EUMETCast or the GTS and any offline test files provided via ftp may be subject to change without notice. Priority is given to the generation and dissemination of the operational data sets. As such, the parallel data dissemination may be interrupted at anytime due to operational requirements. ------ In preparation for the transition to the new calibration mode, SSEC plans to make some changes to the ingestor's calibration module (kbxmsg.dlm). Testing and validation will be performed at SSEC during the overlap data dissemination period as scheduled. Any questions or concerns, please contact Brian Hughes (Brian.Hughes@xxxxxxxx) and John Paquette (John.Paquette@xxxxxxxx) --------------------------- Contact Information: Brian Hughes Satellite Services Division NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD 301-763-8051 x106 Brian.Hughes@xxxxxxxx See for this and other satellite related messages. See for full GOES scanning schedules. --