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Topic: Move of the Operational Daily Northern Hemisphere Snow/Ice Analysis Charts Message Issued: February 6, 2008, 1900 UTC Satellites Impacted: n/a Products Impacted: Daily Northern Hemisphere Snow/Ice Analysis Charts Date/Time of Initial Impact: March 3, 2008 -------------------------- Details: The Satellite Analysis Branch (SAB) will discontinue production and distribution of the daily Northern Hemisphere snow/ice charts located at beginning on or about March 3, 2008. After this date, this function will be assumed by the National Ice Center (NIC), a multi-agency operational center operated by the United States Navy, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the United States Coast Guard. A NIC link containing the near real-time and historical record of Northern Hemisphere snow/ice charts will be provided at the week of Jan 28. NIC will generate snow/ice charts (both the ASCII and image products) in the same formats, spatial resolution and temporal frequency currently generated by SAB. Please check this site f or further updates, and address any questions to SSDWebmaster@xxxxxxxx <mailto:SSDWebmaster@xxxxxxxx>. On or about March 3, 3008, users pulling the snow/ice product from will need to switch and pull from Users pulling the product via anonymous FTP will need to switch from to Access information for the new servers can be obtained from the contacts below.
--------------------------- Contact Information: Thomas Baldwin, Snow/Ice Focal Point Satellite Analysis Branch Satellite Services Division NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD/SSD/SAB 301-763-8444 Thomas.Baldwin@xxxxxxxx Sean Helfrich National Ice Center Sean.Helfrich@xxxxxxxx Brian Hughes Operations Manager Satellite Services Division NOAA/NESDIS/OSDPD 301-763-8051 x106 Brian.Hughes@xxxxxxxx See for this and other satellite related messages. See for full GOES scanning schedules.