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-------- Original Message -------- <snip> Update on WSR-88D Level II Build 10 Changes 28 March 2008 NEW UPDATES AS OF 3/28/08:1. Build 10 Beta Test at Yuma, AZ. Build 10 was successfully loaded on the Yuma, AZ (KYUX) WSR-88D on 18 March. Transmission of Super Resolution Level II data is scheduled to begin around 4 April when the required added communications bandwidth (NOAANet) is scheduled to be installed. The remainder of the Beta Test schedule is below. Delays in installing the software due to weather or other factors could lead to an installation date later in the designated week. Watch for Free Text Messages issued by the sites when Build 10 is loaded: (
Paducah, KY WSR-88D - INSTALLEDYuma, AZ WSR-88D - INSTALLED (Super Resolution likely not available until 4 April when required bandwidth scheduled for installation)
South Kauai, HI WSR-88D - INSTALLED (no Level II available) Edwards AFB, CA WSR-88D – April 1(no Level II available) Minneapolis, MN WSR-88D - April 12. Build 10 Deployment Schedule. The planned shipment schedule of the Build 10 software kits from the Radar Operations Center to WSR-88D sites is now available at: Click on SW 43 under SW Note, it will provide the deployment schedule for Build 10. However, there is an issue for Level II Super Resolution to be sent from a NWS WFO. The WFO also has to have NOAANet installed at the site. Build 10 will be deployed with recombined data being distributed. The Software Note instructs the site to make the change so that if NOAANet has been implemented at their site, to enable Level II Super Resolution. If NOAANet is not available, then they will not turn it on until NOAANet is available. In addition, sites have 65 days from the receipt of the Build 10 package to do the actual install. All of the DOD and FAA sites currently sending Level II data will send only Recombined data.
3. Updated Level II Interface Control Document (ICD) Posted. The updated Build 10.0 draft of the Archive II/User ICD is available for download at: The reserved number of segments in the meta data for the clutter map were wrong (as well as the total expected size of the meta data). This change corrects these errors and makes the data consistent with the documentation.
4. Level II users should periodically check "news" at:
Questions can be addressed to: Tim.D.Crum@xxxxxxxx.