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June 13, 2008MEMORANDUM FOR: Distribution E
FROM: Maxine M. BrownActing Deputy Director, NCEP Central Operations (NCO)
SUBJECT: Scheduled Operational Changes and Upgrades Item 572, WWB Semi-Annual APC/UPS-1 Preventive Maintenance, was postponed again by threat of Critical Weather. This item has been rescheduled for Monday, 16 June 2008. Item 632, mirroring the CPC website to the WOC, was delayed by the RZDM hardware issues of this past weekend. This item has been rescheduled for Tuesday, 17 June 2008. __________________________________________________
The following crisis items were implemented this past week: 635. GEFS_POST - IBM Job gefs_pFHR_post_CYC, where CYC=00,06,12,18. (Putt, NCO). The ownership and permission of directory /ptmp/producton.core was changed to allow the gefs_post jobs to copy core files produced when segmentation faults occur on Dew. Done at 18Z on 15 April. 636. HLS_ONDEMAND_SDM - IBM Job hysplit. (Ma, NCO). Morehead City, NC has been added to the list of stations used by the HYSPLIT model. This change provides HYSPLIT support for the current fire in southeast North Carolina and any future fires in that area. Done at 12Z on 8 June. 637. FIXED FILES - IBM Jobs JRUC2_HYBNAMBC, JRUC2_PREP, JRUC2_POST. (Manikin, EMC). Several fixed fields in the RUC were corrected in response to the recent discovery that the topography, land-use, vegetation type, and soil type fields in the model were all shifted slightly from the truth. The fields have been corrected resulting in better forecasts over the terrain and along coastlines. Done at 18Z on 11 June. __________________________________________________---- SOFTWARE IMPLEMENTATIONS ----
The following items will be implemented at 12Z on Tuesday, 17 June: 638. RADAR_LEVEL2 - IBM Job level2_radar. (Kumar, NCO). This program processes Weather Surveillance Radar-1988, Doppler (WSR-88D) level-2 compressed data from 135 radar stations over the Continental United States (CONUS). Several enhancements are included to generate quality controlled (QC) BUFR reflectivity, BUFR radial wind fields and other QC diagnostics into NCEP production BUFR tanks. 639. SND_2WEB - IBM Job Send_gif2web. (Mabe, NCO). Script is being modified to check for lost/dropped connections and attempt to re-establish a connection several times before reporting a failure. Currently the job hangs for approximately 30 minutes on a lost connection before timing out. 640. DBNET – System NCOSRV. (Freeman, NCO). The parsing table on NCOSRV is being modified to send the CREWSS surface observation files to TPC. 641. DBNET - System CCS. (Freeman, NCO). The Local Data Manager (LDM) pqact.conf file on the CCS is being modified to receive Meteosat-8 winds when EUMETSAT disseminates them instead of Meteosat-9 winds. 642. DBNET - System NCOSRV. (Cooke, NCO). The LDM software on NCOSRV is being configured to begin saving observational lightning data on the NetApp for OPC.
643. SCRIPTS - IBM Jobs JRUC2A_GEMPAK_CC, where CC=00-23. (O'Reilly, NCO). Script sets up the environment variables and initiates the script, which converts various NCEP RUC GRIB files into several different sets of GEMPAK formatted files. Both scripts are being modified to begin creating 13km RUC GEMPAK grids. 644. DBNET - Systems CCS, NCOSRV. (O'Reilly, NCO). The DBNet parsing.tbl on the CCS and NCOSRV are being modified to begin sending the RUC13 GEMPAK grids to NCOSRV for SPC and AWC. 645. DBNET - System NCOSRV. (Cooke, NCO). The parsing table used by the DBNet software on NCOSRV is being modified to begin pulling graphic files of ice data from the CCS for OPC. 646. RFC APPLICATION. (Spruill, NCO). The Request for Change (RFC) application software is being modified to augment the script that generates the email message that is automatically sent to the functional area. The modified email message will include all options (e.g., assign, schedule, etc.) available to the Functional Area to provide clarity. 647. JSMOKE_FCST.SMS.PROD - IBM Job jsmoke_fcst_06. (Manikin, EMC). Script is being modified to point to a new NESDIS server for obtaining the input fire locations for the Smoke model. The script is also being modified to correct the user name in the anonymous ftp. 648. DATACARDS - IBM Job IQST. (Keyser, EMC). BUFR mnemonic table bufrtab.012 is used by several programs to encode single-level satellite data into the BUFR /dcom database on the NCEP CCS. The table is being modified to change the Table A descriptor for METOP 50km ASCAT scatterometer data from A61207 to A61156. This change is necessary to avoid a conflict in the NCEP BUFR Table D, because another Table A entry (IASI radiance data in bufrtab.021) already uses this descriptor. __________________________________________________ ---- HARDWARE IMPLEMENTATIONS ---- The following item will be implemented at 14Z on Monday, 16 June:649. AWIPS. (Plummer, NCO). The AWIPS text workstations are being replaced as part of the normal AWIPS refresh cycle. Thirteen text workstations will be replaced over a period of several days. ________________________________
The following items will be implemented at 14Z on Thursday, 18 June: 650. PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. (Zanco, NCO). Semi-Annual Preventive Maintenance is being performed on the WWB ATS-1, ATS-2 and ATS-3 Systems __________________________________________________ ---- OPERATIONAL ANNOUNCEMENTS ----1. NCO has scheduled a daily system maintenance window from 0200 to 0400L for Lotus Notes and the PMBOPS servers beginning Tuesday, 20 May. All users should be logged out of the Request for Change (RFC) application during this maintenance window or risk the possibility of losing data that has not been saved.
The following work will be performed during this systems maintenance window: * full system backup to tape storage management (TSM), and * archival of historical RFCs for reference purposes and to improve the performance of accessing active RFCs by reducing the size of the database. During this maintenance window, access to the RFC application available through the Lotus Notes database will be unavailable. 2. The 30-day evaluation of the Q3 Model and Analysis Forecast webpage changes began on Tuesday, 3 June with the following items being introduced into parallel: New graphics for wind means and directions (250, 500, 700, 850 and 925hPa) and temperature mean and spreads (250hPa) will be available for the GEFS model. The evaluation products may be viewed at: New 3-hr accumulated precipitation graphics will be available for the GFS and NAM models. The evaluation products may be viewed at: New wind/wave graphics will be available for the WW3 model. The evaluation products may be viewed at: Upcoming major changes to NCEP's production suite and details on any product or timing changes associated with upcoming implementations can be viewed at the following website: data for each of these proposed changes should be available six weeks prior to implementation. Anyone wishing to receive formal notice of the final pre-implementation testing and the opportunity to provide feedback on the proposed changes can subscribe to the Model Evaluation mailing list via: 4. Maintenance of subscriptions to the Scheduled Operational Changes and Upgrades mailing list can be performed via the following website: Farley, CCMP, PMP <micki.farley@xxxxxxxx <mailto:micki.farley@xxxxxxxx>>
NCEP Configuration Manager NCEP Central Operations NOAA's National Weather Service ------------------------------------------------------------------------ _______________________________________________