[nws-changes] 20080724:NOAA-18 SBUV/2 Processing

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Topic: Resumption of NOAA-18 SBUV/2 Processing on our Parallel Test System

Satellite(s) Involved:  NOAA-18

Instrument(s) Involved:  SBUV/2

Product(s) Involved/Affected: Product Master File (PMF) in binary and BUFR format, daily and orbital.

Date/Time(UTC) of Initial Implementation:
23 Jul 2008, 0001 UTC

Contact Person(s) Name/Email/Phone Number for Questions:
Donna.McNamara@xxxxxxxx 301-763-8142 ext. 145

Web site(s) that contain other relevant information (where applicable):

Details/Specifics of Change: On May 22, the NOAA-18 SBUV/2 instrument chopper motor became stuck, which made it unable to make measurements. Over the last 2 months, engineers have been trying various things to get the chopped motor unstuck. On Sun 7/20 the chopper motor began working again. After reviewing instrument information on Tue 7/22, the instrument was commanded to discrete mode, which allowed ozone measurements to resume. Processing was started on 7/23 on our parallel test system. Pull users can access the data via our DDSTEST system. Initial indications are that the data look reasonable, but after being shut off for 2 months, we must check the instrument calibration. If all looks good, we will resume production of N18 SBUV/2 ozone products on the operational system early next week.
For more information contact Donna McNamara at donna.mcnamara@xxxxxxxx

Donna P. McNamara
Physical Scientist
5200 Auth Rd., Rm 510 Camp Springs MD 20746
Phone: (301)763-8142x145
Fax: (301)899-9196


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