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Operations Weekly Schedule Issued on 14/08/08 at 12:40:59 Seq Nr: 1 Planned activities for week 34/2008: 0 Degree Service: Meteosat-9 None foreseen Rapid Scanning Service: Meteosat-8 None foreseen EUMETCast None foreseen Ground SegmentDue to essential maintenance on 21/08/08 between 12.00 and 14.00 UTC, there is a high risk of interruption to
Meteosat-9 SEVIRI data and Meteorological products. Foreign Satellite DataDue to a GOES12_75W manoeuvre on 19/08/08 at 01:59 UTC, there will be no images at 02:00 UTC.
Images may be incomplete for up to 6 hours after the manoeuvre.Due to maintenance on 21/08/08 there will be no MTSAT-1R_140E image at 1300 UTC. Due to a MTSAT-1R_140E manoeuvre on 22/08/08 at 12:56 UTC, expect imager gridding offset for up to 6 hours following the manoeuvre.
Foreign Satellite Data EclipseDue to GOES12_75W eclipse season from 14/08/08 to 19/10/08, the 04:00, 05:00 and 06:00 UTC files may not be available. Due to GOES11_135W eclipse season from 14/08/08 to 30/10/08, the 08:00 and 09:00 UTC files may not be available. Due to MTSAT-1R_140E eclipse season from 22/08/08 to 20/10/08, the 14:00 and 15:00 UTC files may be not available.
IODC InformationDue to a Meteosat-7 manoeuvre on 19/08/08 at 01:28 UTC, users may observe degraded image quality for up to 6 hours after the manoeuvre. Due to Meteosat-7 eclipse season from 17/08/08 to 04/10/08, slots 38 to 43 may not be available.
INFORMATION: For further information, please contact the EUMETSAT User Services Helpdesk Tel: +49 6151 807 366 Fax: +49 6151 807 379 Email: ops@xxxxxxxxxxxx