[nws-changes] [20100330: Fwd: Notification of radiosonde change at 4 NWS offices in Alaska and Pacific of RRS at Albany, NY]

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-------- Original Message --------

The NWS upper air office at Cold Bay, Alaska (WMO# 70316), will transition from the Vaisala RS80-57H radiosonde to the Lockheed Martin Sippican B2 radiosonde on or about 00:00 UTC April 1, 2010.

The NWS upper air office at Kotzebue, Alaska (WMO# 70133), will transition from the Vaisala RS80-57H radiosonde to the Lockheed Martin Sippican B2 radiosonde on or about 00:00 UTC April 1, 2010.

The NWS upper air office at Pago Pago, in the Pacific (WMO# 91765), will transition from the Vaisala RS80-57H radiosonde to the Lockheed Martin Sippican B2 radiosonde on or about 00:00 UTC April 1, 2010.

The NWS upper air office at Chuuk, in the Pacific (WMO# 91334), will transition from the Vaisala RS80-57H radiosonde to the Lockheed Martin Sippican B2 radiosonde on or about 00:00 UTC April 1, 2010.

The B2 radiosonde has been used in the NWS Upper air network since June, 1997. Unlike the Vaisala RS80-57H, a solar/IR radiation temperature correction is not applied to the B2 data at the station prior to dissemination.

Please update your databases.

Questions on the radiosonde transition should be directed to Joseph Facundo, Observing Systems Branch Chief, at Joseph.Facundo@xxxxxxxx

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