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NOUS41 KWBC 101928 PNSWSH Public Information Statement...Comment Request National Weather Service Headquarters Washington DC 328 PM EDT Fri Sep 10 2010 TO: Subscribers: -Family of Services -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPORT -Other NWS Partners, Users, and Employees FROM: David B. Caldwell Director NWS Office of Climate, Water, and Weather Services SUBJECT: Soliciting Public Comments through June 30, 2011 on the Experimental National Mobile Decision Support Services (interactive NWS) for NWS Core Partners NWS is seeking comments on experimental provision of a service called Mobile Decision Support Services (MDSS) interactive National Weather Service (iNWS), referred to as MDSS (iNWS). See service description document in the national catalog of new and enhanced products available at: MDSS (iNWS) will provide weather warnings and alerts via short message service (SMS) text messaging and email services to enhance communications between the NWS and its core partners during high impact weather events. This service is also referred to as iNWS mobile alerting. MDSS (iNWS) messages will also provide a hyperlink to additional information, such as graphics, relevant to an weather event. This additional information may include products currently available on the NWS website or other information generated specifically to support decision making by NWS core partners. MDSS (iNWS) services are intended only for NWS core partners, including members of the emergency management community at all levels of government, other government agencies, and members of the electronic media to provide an additional means of communicating mission-critical decision support information. This service is not intended for general public use. NWS wireless services for mobile devices designed for the general public have been operational since July 2009 and are available at: <> The earlier experimental prototype of iNWS services was available to the general public. The new experimental service will be available only to NWS core partners. As of October 11, 2010 the earlier prototype will be replaced with the new experimental service. On or after September 14, 2010, all existing iNWS accounts registered before September 2009 will be notified via email to reapply for an account to determine eligibility. Those who do not respond or do not meet NWS core partner criteria will be terminated. New and existing users will be required to log into their iNWS account to accept a new terms-of-use agreement. MDSS (iNWS) services are available after registration at the following website: MDSS (iNWS) is designed to operate 24 hours per day. However the service is provided on a best effort basis and it may be temporarily suspended. Reasons for suspense of service include, but are not limited to, software or hardware upgrades, fixes or maintenance, and unexpected technical or security issues. Every effort will be made to eliminate unplanned outages and those that occur will be addressed as quickly as possible. NWS personnel may not immediately respond to MDSS (iNWS) user subscription requests or other inquiries if they are addressing other critical warning or forecast tasks or experiencing technical issues. There may be times when issues beyond the control of the NWS prevent MDSS (iNWS) messages from reaching users or cause a significant delay in the receipt of messages. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, network congestion, wireless carrier outages, dead zones, local connectivity issues, changes in physical location, and user error. During the period of experimental use, NWS expects the availability of the service to approach 97%. If this service becomes operational, then the planned addition of redundant servers will provide 99.9% availability. Since cellular coverage cannot be guaranteed, NWS core partners should ensure they have access to other sources for NWS warnings, watches, and advisory information (WWA). MDSS (iNWS) is an enhancement to communications between the NWS and its core partners. MDSS (iNWS) is not intended to replace official NWS products or official means of communications such as NOAA Weather Radio and NOAA Weather Wire Service. Additional information about the experimental iNWS service may be found at: Comments on this experimental service may be provided at: If you have comments or questions regarding this public information statement, please contact: Douglas Hilderbrand National Weather Service 1325 East/West Highway Silver Spring MD 20910 301-713-1768 x 170 douglas.hilderbrand@xxxxxxxx <mailto:douglas.hilderbrand@xxxxxxxx> For technical questions regarding the iNWS service please contact: Andy Edman 125 S State Street Salt Lake City UT 84138 801-524-5131 x 249 andy.edman@xxxxxxxx <mailto:andy.edman@xxxxxxxx> National Public Information Statements are online at: $$ NNNN