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-------- Original Message -------- 939 NOUS41 KWBC 031637 PNSWSH Service Change Notice 10-45, Corrected National Weather Service Headquarters Washington DC 1238 PM EDT Wed Nov 3 2010 TO: Subscribers: -Family of Services -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPORT Other NWS partners and NWS employees FROM: Eli Jacks Chief, Fire and Public Weather Services Branch SUBJECT: Corrected to remove Civil Emergency Messages (CEM) from the list of affected products. Reminder: New Fire and Public Forecast Zones and Boundary Changes for Parts of Northeast New Jersey and Southeast New York Effective December 1, 2010 Service Change Notice (SCN) 10-45 (and by reference SCN 10- 23 amended) are corrected by removing Civil Emergency Messages (CEM) from products listed in Table 2. Service Change Notice (SCN) 10-23, amended, announced new fire and public forecast zones and boundary changes for northeast New Jersey and southeast New York effective December 1, 2010. These changes will increase forecast accuracy and understanding in the highly urbanized corridors in northeast New Jersey and account for climatological differences and coastal influences from the Atlantic Ocean in Queens and Nassau Counties, New York. This SCN serves as a reminder of the upcoming change. The corrected original SCN follows: Effective Wednesday, December 1, 2010, at 1800 Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), 1 pm EST, five existing fire and public forecast zones in northeast New Jersey and southeast New York will be split into 10 separate zones. The new zones are shown below in Table 1. These fire and public forecast zones are identical in zone name, zone number and geographic extent. A map and explanation of these changes is available at: These zones are being changed to increase forecast accuracy in highly urban versus suburban corridors of long fuse products including watches, warnings and advisories for coastal services (e.g., coastal flooding, high surf), tropical weather, excessive heat, flash flooding and winter weather. These changes will result in an improved understanding of our critical products by the general public and enhance our web-based graphical product consistency and appearance. The zone changes require partners and users to take appropriate action to receive the new zone products using the Universal Generic Code (UGC) zone code format (Z) listed in Table 1. Products affected by this change are listed in Table 2. TABLE 1. New Fire and Public Zone Configuration Identifiers OLD ZONE NAME OLD UGC (Z) NEW ZONE NAME NEW UGC (Z) ----------------------------------------------------------- NORTHEAST NEW JERSEY BERGEN NJZ003 EASTERN BERGEN NJZ104 WESTERN BERGEN NJZ103 ESSEX NJZ005 EASTERN ESSEX NJZ106 WESTERN ESSEX NJZ105 UNION NJZ011 EASTERN UNION NJZ108 WESTERN UNION NJZ107 SOUTHEAST NEW YORK NASSAU NYZ077 NORTHERN NASSAU NYZ177 SOUTHERN NASSAU NYZ179 QUEENS NYZ076 NORTHERN QUEENS NYZ176 SOUTHERN QUEENS NYZ178 TABLE 2. The Following Products are Affected by These Changes: PRODUCT NAME AWIPS ID WMO HEADER ----------------------------------------------------------- -- AREA FORECAST MATRICES AFMOKX FOUS51 KOKX COASTAL HAZARD MESSAGE CFWOKX WHUS41 KOKX DAILY RIVER SUMMARY RVDOKX FGUS51 KOKX FIRE WEATHER FORECAST FWFOKX FNUS51 KOKX FLASH FLOOD WATCH FFAOKX WGUS61 KOKX HAZARDOUS WEATHER OUTLOOK HWOOKX FLUS41 KOKX HURRICANE LOCAL STATEMENT HLSOKX WTUS81 KOKX NON-PRECIPITATION ADVSY/ WATCH/WARNING NPWOKX WWUS71 KOKX POINT FORECAST MATRICES PFMOKX FOUS51 KOKX PUBLIC INFORMATION STATEMENT PNSOKX NOUS41 KOKX PUBLIC ZONE FORECAST ZFPOKX FPUS51 KOKX RED FLAG WARNING RFWOKX WWUS81 KOKX REGIONAL WEATHER SUMMARY RWSOKX AWUS81 KOKX SHORT-TERM FORECAST NOWOKX FPUS71 KOKX SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENT SPSOKX WWUS81 KOKX SURF ZONE FORECAST SRFOKX FZUS51 KOKX TABULAR STATE FORECAST SFTOKX FPUS61 KOKX TROPICAL CYCLONE WATCH/WARNING TCVAT/1-5/ WTNT/81-85/KNHC WINTER STORM ADVSY/WATCH/WARNING WSWOKX WWUS41 KOKX An updated public zone shapefile is online at: An updated fire zone shapefile is online at: If you have any questions, please contact: I Ross Dickman, Meteorologist-in-Charge Gary Conte, Warning Coordination Meteorologist National Weather Service Upton NY 11973 631-924-0037 National Service Change Notices are online at: $$ NNNN