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-------- Original Message -------- 242 NOUS41 KWBC 102043 PNSWSH Service Change Notice 10-47 National Weather Service Headquarters Washington Dc 342 PM EDT Wed Nov 10, 2010 TO: Subscribers: -Family of Services -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPORT Other NWS Partners and Employees From: Kevin Schrab Chief, Observing Services Division Office of Climate Water and Weather Services Subject: Las Vegas Radiosonde Replacement System (RRS) Operational Date and Communications Identifier Changes For Upper-Air (UA) Products from WFO Las Vegas Effective December 18 2010 The NWS Weather Forecast Office (WFO) in Las Vegas, NV, (VEF) will initiate daily RRS UA observations on Dec. 18, 2010 and reach twice per day observations on Jan. 16, 2011. This change follows the termination at Desert Rock (DRA) of Radiotheodolite Tracking (ART) and Radio Direction Finding (RDF) radiosonde observations. Please update your metadata files for these initial coordinates immediately so your UA derived products will not give erroneous information on Dec. 18, 2010. Table 1. Initial Coordinates of Las Vegas Release Point Location NAME INDEX LAT LON ELEVATION LAS VEGAS 72388 36.047139N 115.184639W 693.4 M NOTE: The WMO Index Number Will Be 72388. All users are advised to update their communications identifiers immediately in order to receive upper-air coded text products from Las Vegas. TABLE 2. New AWIPS IDs and New WMO Headings Current Current New New AWIPS ID WMO Headings AWIPS ID WMO Headings ABVDRA UFUS45 KDRA ABVVEF UFUS45 KVEF FZLDRA UXUS45 KDRA FZLVEF UXUS45 KVEF MANDRA USUS45 KDRA MANVEF USUS45 KVEF SGLDRA UMUS45 KDRA SGLVEF UMUS45 KVEF Institutional and commercial distributors who generate derived products must ensure their communication system directories exactly match the new headings by Dec. 18, 2010. Failure to do so will prevent UA data from Las Vegas from reaching the intended user communities. Although the effective date for this change is less than the 75-days advised in NWSI 10-1805, a 36-day lead time should be sufficient when NWS directly informs service providers to make a priority change in their product meta data to prevent implementation delays. To check the availability of Las Vegas products go to: -Search by "WMO Station Identifier" -When a blank dialogue window appears, enter: 72388 You should then be able to view the Las Vegas data and metadata. NWS will issue a follow-on announcement in January 2011 to include the official site coordinates for the Las Vegas UA observations. If you have questions or feedback, please contact: Ivan Navarro National Weather Service, OPS11 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring, MD 20910 301-713-1841 Ext 123 Ivan.Navarro@xxxxxxxx National Service Change Notices are online at: $$ NNNN