[nws-changes] 20110726: NAM DNG product changes Fwd: ADMIN NOTICE NOUS41 KWBC

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-------- Original Message --------

NOUS41 KWBC 251922

Technical Implementation Notice 11-35
National Weather Service Headquarters Washington DC
322 PM EDT Mon Jul 25 2011

To:       Subscribers:
          -Family of Services
          -NOAA Weather Wire Service
          -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network
          Other NWS partners and NWS employees

From:     Tim McClung
          Chief, Science Plans Branch
          Office of Science and Technology

Subject:  Changes and Additions to NAM-DNG Products,
          Including Distribution of New High-Resolution DNG
          Effective October 11, 2011

Effective October 11, 2011, after upgrade of the North American
Mesoscale (NAM) prediction system, and inclusion of high
resolution nests (see TIN 11-16), the National Centers for
Environmental Prediction (NCEP) will modify and enhance the suite
of NAM Downscaled Numerical Guidance (NAM-DNG).

The current NAM-DNG products are distributed to the Continental
U.S. (CONUS), Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico out to 84 hours over
the AWIPS SBN/NOAAPORT and are available on the NCEP server.  The
new NAM nests are run only to 60 hours but are run at resolutions
much closer to the National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD)
forecast grids used in the DNG than the 12km NAM, now called the
parent grid.

After the modification of existing NAM-DNG is, as stated in
TIN11-16, the first 60 hours (54 hours) of the current 0000 and
1200 UTC (0600 and 1800 UTC), NAM-DNG will come from the NAM
nests instead of from the 12km NAM parent.

--CONUS: the 4km NAM nest will feed 5km NAM-DNG.
--Alaska: the 6km NAM nest will feed 5.9km NAM-DNG.
--Hawaii, Puerto Rico: 3km NAM nests will feed 2.5km NAM-DNG.

In this way, only slight downscaling (or upscaling in the case of
CONUS) is required. Currently, all systems downscale from 12km.

After the change, there may be some unavoidable amount of
discontinuity between the NAM-nest-based 60 hr (54 hr for 0600
and 1800 UTC) and the NAM-parent-based 63 hr (57 hr for 0600 and
1800 UTC) guidance. These modifications will occur when the NAM
upgrade, detailed in TIN 11-16 linked below, is implemented later
this summer.


The enhancement of NAM-DNG will come from the addition of
NAM-DNG for CONUS and Alaska at double the present NDFD
resolution through the 60 hours covered by the NAM nests.

For CONUS, the 4km NAM nest will feed a 2.5km NAM-DNG. For
Alaska, the 6km NAM nest will feed a 3km NAM-DNG. Output will be
made available every 3 hours from 0-60 hours for all 4 NAM

These new high-resolution NAM-DNG products will be available on
the NCEP server when the NAM upgrade is implemented and will be
made available on NOAAPORT starting with the 1200 Universal
Coordinated Time (UTC) cycle Tuesday, October 11, 2011.
Additionally, simulated composite reflectivity will be added to
output for both the modified and enhanced NAM-DNG.

The grids listed below in Table 1 for CONUS and Table 2 for
Alaska will be available at double NDFD resolutions.

NCEP will remove the coarser 5km CONUS and 5.9km Alaska NAM-DNG
products from NOAAPORT and all other distribution methods once
sufficient time has passed to allow software upgrades.  A
separate announcement will be sent before removing these

Table 1:  NAM-DNG products available over CONUS at
2.5km resolution and their associated WMO headers

WMO Header       NAM-DNG Parameter
[L|M]AJ*** KWBE  Dewpoint temperature
[L|M]AJ*** KWBE  Cloud Cover
[L|M]AJ*** KWBE  Wind Speed
[L|M]AJ*** KWBE  Wind Direction
[L|M]AJ*** KWBE  Wind Gust Speed
[L|M]DJ*** KWBE  Probability of Precipitation (3, 6&  12 hourly)
[L|M]EJ*** KWBE  Total Precipitation (3, 6&  12 hourly)
[L|M]HJ*** KWBE  Boundary layer height or wet bulb zero height
[L|M]KJ*** KWBE  Visibility
[L|M]RJ*** KWBE  Minimum/Maximum relative humidity(3&  12 hourly)
[L|M]SJ*** KWBE  Snow depth (3&  6 hourly)
[L|M]TJ*** KWBE  Temperature
[L|M]TJ*** KWBE  Minimum/Maximum temperature (3&  12 hourly)
[L|M]UJ*** KWBE  U component of wind
[L|M]VJ*** KWBE  V component of wind
[L|M]ZJ*** KWBE  simulated composite reflectivity

Table 2:  NAM-DNG products available over Alaska at 3km
resolution and their associated WMO headers

WMO Header     NAM-DNG Parameter
[L|M]AK*** KWBE  Dewpoint temperature
[L|M]AK*** KWBE  Cloud Cover
[L|M]AK*** KWBE  Wind Speed
[L|M]AK*** KWBE  Wind Direction
[L|M]AK*** KWBE  Wind Gust Speed
[L|M]DK*** KWBE  Probability of Precipitation (3, 6&  12 hourly)
[L|M]EK*** KWBE  Total Precipitation (3, 6&  12 hourly)
[L|M]HK*** KWBE  Boundary layer height or wet bulb zero height
[L|M]KK*** KWBE  Visibility
[L|M]RK*** KWBE  Minimum/Maximum relative humidity(3&  12 hourly)
[L|M]SK*** KWBE  Snow depth (3&  6 hourly)
[L|M]TK*** KWBE  Temperature
[L|M]TK*** KWBE  Minimum/Maximum temperature (3 and 12 hourly)
[L|M]UK*** KWBE  U component of wind
[L|M]VK*** KWBE  V component of wind
[L|M]ZK*** KWBE  simulated composite reflectivity

A website outlining all of the NAM-DNG WMO headers is online at:


The NAM-DNG grids are made available from the NCEP server at:


There are files for the four nests: smartconus, smartak, smarthi
and smartpr followed by the two-digit forecast hour.  The CONUS
files will be named smartconus for the 5km and smartconus2p5 for
the 2.5km.  Similarly Alaska files will be smartak for the 6km
grids and smartak3 for the 3km grids.

For questions regarding the NAM-DNG, please contact:

  Geoff DiMego
  NCEP/Environmental Modeling Center
  Camp Springs, MD 20746
  301-763-8000 x 7221
  Geoff Manikin
  NCEP/Environmental Modeling Center
  Camp Springs, MD 20746
  301-763-8000 x 7263

For questions regarding the dataflow aspects of these data
sets please contact:

  Rebecca Cosgrove
  NCEP/NCO Dataflow Team
  Camp Springs, Maryland 20746
  301-763-8000 X 7198

National Technical Implementation Notices are online at:



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