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-------- Original Message -------- 946 NOUS42 KWNO 211207 ADMNFD SENIOR DUTY METEOROLOGIST NWS ADMINISTRATIVE MESSAGE NWS NCEP CENTRAL OPERATIONS CAMP SPRINGS MD 1200Z SUN AUG 21 2011 A Critical Weather Day (CWD) period will be initiated at 1200z today (Sunday) August 21, 2011 and will be scheduled to expire at 1200z Monday August 22, 2011. NCEP, NWSTG, and Southern Region and the NCF will participate in this CWD to ensure a reliable flow of data. The CWD is in support of forecast operations concerning Tropical Storm Irene impacting Puerto Rico and the US Virgin Islands during the next 24hrs. This CWD may be extended or re-issued on Monday or thereafter as we get a better feel for the strength and forecast path for Irene as it could/might impact portions of Florida or other US interests during the upcoming week. Also, users can get an updated CWD status on the NCEP WEB page: RSO STATUS... GOES-E RSO WILL BE IN PLACE FROM 1015Z-2215Z TO SUPPORT NATIONAL HURRICANE CENTER MONITORING THE DEVELOPMENT OF TROPICAL STORM IRENE IN THE CARIBBEAN SEA. $$ NEWBY/SDM/NCO/NCEP