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------- Forwarded Message From: Natalia Donoho <natalia.donoho@xxxxxxxx> Date: Thu, 18 Oct 2012 14:52:24 -0400 Subject: Administrative, UPDATE #1: GOES-13 Return to Operational Service as GOES-East and GOES-14 Drift Stop Maneuver, Issued October 18, 2012 at 1852 UTC Update #1: GOES-13 returned to service as GOES-East today, Thursday, October 18 at 10:44 AM EDT. All operations are nominal. Update: 24 hour notification and clarification on root cause and role of outgassing. Topic: GOES-13 Return to Operational Service as GOES-East and GOES-14 Drift Stop Maneuver Date/Time Issued: October 18, 2012 at 1852 UTC Product(s) or Data Impacted: GOES-13 and GOES-14 Imager and Sounder Data, GVAR Data Date/Time of Initial Impact: October 18, 2012 at 1444 UTC - Switch to GOES-13 initiated. Date/Time of Expected End: October 18, 2012 at 1445 UTC - Switch to GOES-13 completed. Note: GOES-14 Drift Stop Maneuver will be executed October 19, 2012 at 1356 UTC Length of Outage: See Details. Details/Specifics of Change: Update #1: GOES-13 returned to service as GOES-East today, Thursday, October 18 at 10:44 AM EDT. All operations are nominal. If you find that any products or services are affected by this transition, please contact ESPC Operations. All activities are on track for GOES-14 Drift Stop Maneuver on October 19, 2012 at 1356 UTC. Tests of GOES-13 instrumentation have demonstrated the Imager and Sounder are ready to return to GOES-East operational service. The root cause of the GOES-13 anomaly was a motor vibration in the sounder filter wheel subsystem that was transmitted on to the imager and sounder optical bench. Mitigating steps have been taken to suppress the vibration and in addition, outgassing of the sounder has improved the sounder detector performance. The noise in the Sounder shortwave data has been reduced compared to pre-anomaly levels. The return of GOES-13 to operational service also optimizes the long term continuity of the GOES constellation. On October 18, 2012 at 1444 UTC GOES-13 data will be inserted back into the GOES-13 GVAR data stream, replacing the current GOES-14 data stream. Users do not need to repoint their antennas as the switch of GVAR data streams will be transparent. Users will notice the immediate shift of Earth coverage from the current GOES-14 drifting position to the GOES-13 position at 75 degrees West longitude. GOES-East products will be generated using GOES-13 and will receive nominal 24x7 monitoring. GINI and Remapper output will be monitored to ensure nominal GOES-East coverage of the CONUS for users of AWIPS and for users of the SATEPSDIST servers within ESPC. Products requiring a climatology of 30 days will not be generated until the requisite number of fixed satellite location days have passed: - ASDTA SMOKE (Automated Smoke Detection and Tracking Algorithm) - GASP (GOES Aerosol and Smoke Product) - GEO-SST (No NETCDF format) - GSIP-FD (GOES Surface Insolation Product-Full Disk) RSO and SRSO schedules from GOES-13 will be available to the NWS immediately after the switch is completed. A final stop maneuver of GOES-14 will occur on October 19, 2012 at 1356 UTC placing it at a position of 89.5 degrees West longitude where it will remain in standby until further notice. Contact Information for Further Information: ESPC Operations at ESPCOperations@xxxxxxxx at 301-817-3880. For general questions, please contact SPSD User Services at SPSD.UserServices@xxxxxxxx. Web Site(s) for applicable information: See for this and other satellite related messages. See for full GOES scanning schedules and scan sectors. See for geodetic subpoint prediction and location of GOES. ------- End of Forwarded Message