[nws-changes] 20130103: buoy 46089 Astoria, Oregon no longer supported Fwd: ADMIN NOTICE NOUS41 KWBC

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-------- Original Message --------

NOUS41 KWBC 031550

Service Change Notice 13-1
National Weather Service Headquarters Washington DC
1050 AM EST Thu Jan 3 2013
To: Subscribers:
          -Family of Services
          -NOAA Weather Wire Service
          -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network
          Other NWS Partners, Users and Employees
From: Mark A. Tew
          Chief, Marine and Coastal Weather Services Branch
Subject: Buoy 46089, offshore Astoria, Oregon, is no longer
          supported effective immediately
The National Ocean Service (NOS) Coastal Storms Program (CSP)
will discontinue sponsorship of National Data Buoy Center (NDBC)
buoy 46089 in 2013. This buoy is considered unfunded.  Buoy 46089
is about 85 nautical miles west northwest of Astoria, Oregon, at
coordinates 45.893 North 125.819 West. The link below shows the
approximate location of the buoy.
http://batchgeo.com/map/233b6670266d4498fa69809acc3b6554 Annual cost to operate this buoy is about $60,000 plus U.S. Coast
Guard support to service it. At this time, the buoy is fully
operational and transmitting data. If problems with data
transmission develop, there is no funding to repair the buoy and
it will no longer transmit data. There is no way to determine how
long the data will be available.

Buoy 46089 was deployed in November 2004.  The Coastal Storms
Program is not an operational program and typically does not
provide long term funding for projects.  The CSP and NDBC have
been working together for the past few years to find an
alternative funding source for this buoy but have been

For more information on this buoy and its current data, see the
link below.


Please provide any comments to the following e-mail address with
the subject line Unfunded Buoy 46089:
Marine.Weather@xxxxxxxx For more information, contact: Wayne Presnell
Meteorologist, Marine and Coastal Services Branch
Silver Spring, MD 20910
301-713-1677, ext. 103

National Service Change Notices are online at:
http://www.weather.gov/os/notif.htm $$

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