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-------- Original Message -------- 117 NOUS41 KWBC 231415 PNSWSH Service Change Notice 13-6 National Weather Service Headquarters Washington DC 915 AM EST Wed Jan 23 2013 TO: Subscribers: -Family of Services -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPORT Other NWS partners and NWS employees FROM: Mark Tew Chief, Marine and Coastal Services BranchSUBJECT: Elimination of EYE and Sddition of CENTER as
Possible Remarks in the Temp Drop Message for Tropical Cyclones in the Atlantic, Eastern Pacific, Central Pacific and Western Pacific Hurricane Basins Effective May 15, 2013 To minimize confusion and increase consistency with other storm- related items, the changes detailed below will become effective on May 15, 2013, for the Temp Drop Message (TDM). The TDM as reported from Department of Defense (DOD) and NOAA aircraft conducting reconnaissance missions for tropical cyclones. There are no changes to WMO Headers or AWIPS IDs for the TDMs. Currently, the Remarks Section (Data Identifer 62626) of the TDM allows use of the word EYE. Dropsonde (sonde) operators have been using the word EYE in the Remarks for all sondes released in the center of all tropical cyclones; however, use of the word EYE might suggest there is a partial or complete eyewall, when this may not be the case. Therefore, effective May 15, 2013, the EYE remark in the Remarks section will no longer be used. The word CENTER may be used in the Remarks section. The use of the word CENTER will indicate the sonde was released in the center of a tropical cyclone, regardless of whether an actual eye exists. In summary, effective May 15, 2013, only the following remarks will be used in the TDM: CENTER, EYEWALL XXX, MXWNDBND, or RAINBAND. Table G-6, Temp Drop Code, Identifier 62626 and Figure G-3, Example Temp Drop Message for Tropical Cyclones, are provided in the National Hurricane Operations Plan. The 2012 plan is provided on line at: The 2013 NHOP will be posted on line by June 1, 2013, along with the new TDM format for 2013 in Table G-6 and a new example in Figure G-3. If you have questions regarding this notice, please contact:John F. Kuhn
National Weather Service Marine and Coastal Services Branch Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Telephone: 301-713-1677 x121 e mail: john.f.kuhn@xxxxxxxx Service Change Notices are online at: $$