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-------- Original Message -------- 522 NOUS41 KWBC 161308 PNSWSH Public Information Notice: Amended National Weather Service Headquarters Washington DC 907 AM EDT Tue Jul 16 2013 To: Subscribers: - Family of Services - NOAA Weather Wire Service - Emergency Managers Weather Information Network - NOAAPORT Other NWS partners and NWS employees From: Andrew Stern Acting Chief, Meteorological Services Division Subject: Amended: Extending Comment Period on Increasing the Resolution in the National Digital Forecast Database Until December 31, 2013 Amended to extend the comment period to December 31, 2013 On August 28, 2012, the spatial resolution in the National Digital Forecast Database (NDFD) was increased, on an experimental basis, to 2.5km resolution for all forecast times. In addition, the temporal resolution was made accessible at one hour resolution for the first 36 hours from NDFD issuance time in experimental status. These are the finest spatial and temporal resolutions at which NWS Weather Forecast Offices (WFOs) in the conterminous United States (CONUS) provide forecasts. Forecasts from WFOs and NWS National Centers that employ coarser resolutions are mapped onto the finer resolution NDFD grid. The increased spatial and temporal resolution applied to files containing data for the entire CONUS, but not Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, or the 16 CONUS subsectors. These subsectors remain at their current operational resolutions. The NWS will accept comments and feedback on the increase in resolution during the experimental period through December 31, 2013. Links to surveys are online at: Pending analysis of comments, the NWS will decide whether or not to proceed to transition the experimental fine resolution to operational status for the CONUS. Current operational resolutions would continue for Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and the 16 CONUS subsectors. Specifications for operational and experimental NDFD grids can be viewed at the following URL: The NDFD continues in parallel in operational phase at current spatial and temporal resolutions throughout the experimental period. Experimental fine resolution forecasts are updated approximately 15 minutes after operational NDFD forecasts. NDFD graphics and Simple Object Access Protocol/REST/XML services are provided from operational NDFD grids. To access experimental fine resolution grids use the following URLs: nus/ or .conus Experimental grids for forecast days 1 through 3 are provided in individual files for each day in order to limit file sizes. Experimental grids for selected elements are more tightly packed in GRIB format with both decimal and binary scaling applied. GRIB encoding characteristics for each NDFD element can be viewed at the following URL: ng_lo File structures and GRIB packing for operational NDFD files are unchanged during the experimental period. Experimental Ice Accumulation and daily Maximum and Minimum Relative Humidity grids also remain unchanged. WMO headers and file structures for current operational and experimental NDFD files can be viewed at: WMO headers and files structure for the new experimental fine resolution files can be viewed at: General information on accessing and using NDFD elements is online at: For general questions regarding NDFD data, please email: nws.ndfd@xxxxxxxx For technical questions regarding NDFD data, please contact: David Ruth Chief, Mesoscale Prediction Branch NOAA/NWS Office of Science and Technology 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 David.Ruth@xxxxxxxx For questions regarding this notice, please contact: Andy Horvitz National Weather Service Office of Climate Water and Weather Services 1325 East West Highway Silver Spring, Maryland 20910 Andy.Horvitz@xxxxxxxx Service Change Notices specifically related to NDFD are online at: Public Information Notices are online at: $$