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-------- Original Message -------- 732 NOUS41 KWBC 141539 PNSWSH Public Information Statement National Weather Service Headquarters Washington DC 1140 AM EDT Wed August 14 2013 To: Subscribers: -Family of Services -NOAA Weather Wire Service -Emergency Managers Weather Information Network -NOAAPORT Other NWS Partners and NWS Employees From: Mark Tew Chief, Marine and Coastal Weather Services Branch Subject: Soliciting Comments on Experimental Probabilistic Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge and Tide above Datum Through November 30, 2013 Effective immediately and continuing through November 30, 2013, NWS is seeking user feedback on experimental Probabilistic Tropical Cyclone Storm Surge and Tide above Datum. The experimental product consists of two suites of graphics: 1. Probability of storm surge and tide above datum: Series of graphics shows probabilities, in percent, of storm surge with tide exceeding 2 through 25 feet above North American Datum of 1988 (NAVD88), at 1 foot intervals. 2. Exceedance height of storm surge and tide above datum: Series of graphics which show heights of storm surge with tide, in feet above NAVD88, which will be exceeded by a given percentage of storms. The suite of graphics range from 10 to 50 percent, at 10 percent intervals.The graphics are a statistical output from an ensemble of Sea
Lake and Overland Surges from Hurricanes (SLOSH) model runs. All ensemble members are based on the current National Hurricane Center (NHC) tropical cyclone advisory. Ensemble members take into account historical error characteristics by varying input parameters such as forward speed, cross track location, radius of maximum wind, and hurricane intensity. Each ensemble member has a specific time associated with it, which allows SLOSH to calculate a gridded tide the model combines with the surge, thereby producing overland flooding based on storm surge plus tide, aka storm tide. The graphics are available whenever a hurricane watch or warning is in effect for any portion of the Gulf or Atlantic U.S. continental coasts. On a case by case basis, the graphics will also be available when a tropical storm watch or warning is in effect. The graphics are available online at: by selecting "Above Datum" under the Datum drop down menu on the left hand side.Please provide feedback by using the brief survey and comment
form available on line at: If you have questions regarding this notice...please contact: John Kuhn National Weather Service Marine and Coastal Weather Services Branch Silver Spring Maryland 20910 Telephone: 301-713-1677 X121 Email: John.F.Kuhn@xxxxxxxx National Public Information Statements are online at: $$